
Thats because we had a ram farm back then.

You type from a keyboard full of lies. ;-)

It could happen to anyone, at any time. Hug your fams more often, people.

I couldn’t have said it better myself. His poor family. :(

Like monkeys throwing poop, yes.

It would have to improve to be in shambles.

You’ll wake up one day to your home playing a free U2 album.

They hate us for our freedom!

Also, because we bomb their sacred trees to mine unobtainium.

You aren’t defending him, you are defending the way our justice system is supposed to work, even for those accused of the most heinous crimes.

Short answer: by not following a judge’s order a person is in contempt of court, and can be held in jail for contempt until they comply. I imagine that’s the legal basis they’re using here to hold him.

I don’t get it. He wants to use money for good and has been doing it for a while now. I feel stupid for clicking on this sorry excuse for an article.

Pretty sure they have bugs and rodents in Europe, too, Jeff.