
Only one K away ...

These pending responses are so confusing, and its amazing that we justify bringing a gun to a fist fight. a) Crusader Conner is justified in asking the guy why he is parked in a handicap spot. b) he should have called the police if he felt it was such an egregious breaking of the law. c) after he got “assaulted” he

You know the best part about the “he should have been following the law and this would have never happened” arguments? They assert that not following the written law creates justifiable reasons to be treated as less than human. Even Judge Dredd maintains a high level of discretion when choosing how to dispense

I am very sad I will be unable to make this event. I travel on the MARC which stops running at 745 to get out to Hanover. Hopefully a year from now when my wife and I move to the DC area (up here on an internship with Living Cities) we will be able to make these events as I am looking forward to meeting you all.

Thank you.

What has happened to Jessica Sims?

53% is way worse than the 63% because Trump is a misogynist and it was just uncanny that he would still retain such a high level of women voters. It was again BLACK WOMEN who showed up and showed out at 98%, I think black men was 80 something...

I guess I baited the question by saying “I dont know why” but I really did know why black voters struggle with supporting her. The better question is how do you change that narrative. We have a tendency to shoot ourselves in our own foot when given an opportunity to really make a change here. If Cuomo is not working,

You realize the common trope is for women to call their lovers “daddy” right? I mean I don’t particularly get that either, but double standard much?

So we should wait for another candidate that fits perfectly int your box? White women advocating for this type of change is exactly what the country needs. If she is the person she presents herself to be, we need more white women with the keys to the locks to start busting open doors.

Her track record of being present would suggest regardless of the outcome she will not wallow in defeat. But I know little about her up until now. I will however do more to learn a bit more, I am curious though why the black voters seem apprehensive to take her seriously. Politicians are human, so mistakes will be