
He’s not smart, you can’t believe a word out of his mouth, and he’s a self-obsessed, greedy, shitty person who doesn’t care about the American people. That you could theoretically find someone worse or stupider doesn’t change any of that, and I don’t know when this idiot thinks not being the literal worst person ever

It’s so luxurious, you wouldn’t believe what people are saying about this stocking cap, I sent the best people to find my cap, they tell me this is the longest one anywhere, anywhere in the world you can’t find a better one than this, I was in China and other Asia and I see the stocking caps they have there, everyone

Look, his imagination can only go so far. It can contain a pumpkin king, a headless horseman with a pumpkin head, some other pumpkin things, but that’s where he draws the line. Gourds and squash, yes. People of color, that’s a little too oddball.

I think they were upset tha the BLM sign was removed so it wouldn’t be seen on the show. They also state BLM Portland also meets there regularly, and are also reminding people of the historic racism of the Oregon and Portland in particular. Oregon was formed to be a “white utopia”

Some people are saying that the Dalai Lama wasn’t even born in China. Some of our best people are saying that.

He does an impression of Donald Trump Jr., too.

This hater and loser hasn’t even met Donald Trump, doesn’t even have a country anymore. Wasn’t able to negotiate a good deal with China. Sad!

So my employer can monitor my key strokes and have a camera in my office and countless other monitoring set ups and that is okay but a body cam on a cop would violate his/her constitutional rights. Come on now.

“Your daughter told me that you have a very small penis”

I guess I don’t know the specifics of the laws, but when I was an archaeological field tech, I worked on pipelines and the like. We were required by law to come in before any construction took place to determine whether or not any significant cultural sites would be disturbed. If we found ANYTHING, construction would

They knew the pipeline was going to pass over sovereign NA territory and they didn’t give a shit. Fuck ‘em and fuck you for making excuses.

It’s complex, but yes. There definitely have been concerns over water quality and part of the protest action is about defending the tribe’s rights to clean water (something many feel will be threatened by the pipeline). But the other side of it, practically speaking, was the concern over the sacred sites. The tribe

Sitting out the national anthem? TREASON!!

On Democracy Now there’s a video, where the dog’s mouth is covered in blood, and the “handlers” (hired goons?) clearly have no idea what they are doing. It’s an absolute shit-show, because these people are Native and apparently everyone just shrugs when you abuse them.

It isn't about how hard it would be to go around it. It is about power, status and deliberately showing disrespect for these people and their heritage.

So, in a lot of ways, these people are no better than ISIS. Destroying cultural heritage sites is despicable and unforgivable.

Hey, both Christmas and fucking over Indians are proud american customs. They’re just traditionalists.

Hearing a store clerk say happy holidays? Oppressive war on Christmas! Razing sacred indigenous grounds? That’s just important capitalistic freedom!

This poem is always worth posting; “Rape Joke” by Patricia Lockwood.

Can we please bring back Worth It?!?!?