Apparently after the trail he never talked to OJ again. It was implied that even though he won the trail the prosecutions evidence swayed him but by then it was too late.
Apparently after the trail he never talked to OJ again. It was implied that even though he won the trail the prosecutions evidence swayed him but by then it was too late.
I still have flashbacks of being in a Bikram class and feeling like I was going to barf or faint, or both. Since you’re not everrrrr supposed to leave the rom I did as instructed and lay down on my mat in corpse pose. And then, the hairy man beast in a teeny speedo on the mat next to me started splashing his nasty…
The “Little People” shows drive me crazy because they are just doing what people do, like household repairs or holding down a job or rescuing dogs or WHATEVER but we are supposed to be entertained by the fact that the people doing it are short.
Derivative or not, Frank Lloyd Wright was *hella way better* than Bikram though. ie: Compare say, Falling Water to the image above in the article.
He claimed licence to the sequence of the postures through the 90 minute class. It worked for a damn long time, too, until challenged by Yoga For The People.
Very much no on the religion front. Bikram quite deliberately took all spirituality out of his teaching when he first started in LA. That, arguably, was the start of his path along the dark side.
This is one of those instances where the truth is actually the best punch line. That pose is in all seriousness called Awkward Pose. (Technically: Awkward Pose Third Part.)
He created a series of 26 yoga poses done in a hot room then tried to trademark it but failed. Which to me is BS. Yoga belongs to the people! Also to be classified as a Bikram studio or instructor they have to take his training and teach the poses in his specific order otherwise it’s not Bikram. I call him the Frank…
Any time you got people gathering around one guy they think has the answers, that one guy (or gal or group) had better be a relatively decent person, or things will go wrong.
He also thinks you can “massage” your pituitary gland by pressing your forehead to your knee. Every time I hear a yoga instructor say that I want to bash my head against the wall. Which might *actually* massage the pituitary, come to think of it...
He sexually harassed his lawyer. That’s the most blatant example of a man thinking he can get away with anything I’ve seen in awhile.
naw he didn’t invent yoga - he just turned up the thermostat and tried to “trademark” that
a ‘namaste’ f*ckwit
Isn’t that pose called “Hive Mind”?
...what’s with all the towels? Is that a traction thing, or a “ew gross yoga mat” thing?
Disorganized exercise is so much more fun anyway.
Good for her! I love hot yoga but haven’t wanted to support a Bikram-affiliated studio for a long time. The NY Times has been reporting on his grossness for a while:…
I spy.... one dark skinned lady in that sea of white women (and one white guy who’s not a cameraman). WTF.
I'm Team No One on this one, but TLC is to tv as E Coli is to a neighborhood BBQ.