Tweet from Bomani Jones
Tweet from Bomani Jones
one of the show’s female doctors (Callie Torres, a bisexual character) asks for sex advice from a male surgeon (Sloane) on how to please a woman
It’s going to take longer than that to clean up stevie’s mess.
thank you - hear, hear. ‘Defending’ his choices by justifying the women is offensive (and frankly, those women’s qualifications speak for themselves to anyone who, ahh, read anything about them). ‘It’s 2015’, indicating that the question is out of date and the answer obvious, is the feminist answer as well as the…
Yes. 10 First Nations MPs in total.
I still say Tim Horton’s is shit, though.
I think there are also two ministers from the First Nations yes?
depends where they are coming from, I’d be careful telling them to bring beer.
And an Aboriginal woman as Minister of goddam Justice. Maybe we’ll finally get something done for the welfare of aboroginal women across the country. I'm so jazzed about this cabinet.
He looks soooooo much like Kate McKinnon there.
This is what can happen when informed people vote!
they should make hockey cards, but of his cabinet! they’re like rock starts!
So thrilled to have a pro-choice, self-identified feminist in office. (Even if he is a white cis het man.) We NEED this; it’s been a long long stretch of Harper.
I love this man. Seriously, this is incredible. I can’t wait until I’m a Canadian.
“We once had an uncle who was a literal Nazi but this baby between consenting adults is the worst disgrace this family has ever seen.”- The Queen, probably.
“It’s the biggest scandal the royals could ever face.”