
Basically, a cop-out to avoid dealing with the actual issue.

I hate that I turned off autoplay and some videos still fucking autoplay.

Autoplay needs to die in a fire

Doc Martens. The only boot I’ll ever buy.

Looks like everyone got great boxes in October! I ened up cancelling my Vegan Cuts box to try their Goddess Provisions box. It ended up being horrible and not worth the money, so that got cancelled. I’ve been ogling the Petit Vour box since you started reviewing them, so I signed up for the November box.

In my head, her husband also had some tragic relationship. They both ended up settling with each other, had a perfectly nice life together, but always kind of knew they were never the love of each other’s life.

My theory- it isn’t going to work unless everyone gets their own heaven where everyone agrees with them. Otherwise it’s just the same bullshit as you get down here. No thanks. I’ll be in hell with the cool people.

what if, in heaven, you’re forced to spend eternity with your high school boyfriend/girlfriend

Quickie Update: I had my surgery on Tuesday. They got out all the cancer! My vitals are excellent. My body is healing well. So that’s good news. I might have to do chemo but we still don’t know yet. I do know that if we decide to do it, it’ll be after allowing me to recovery fully from surgery.

YUP. Rose is like that girl you went to high school with who won’t stop talking about how complicated her love for the guy she dated in 10th grade is. And you’re like “that was 11 years ago. He’s married now” and she’s all “yeah, but she doesnt know him like I do.”

what if, in heaven, you’re forced to spend eternity with your high school boyfriend/girlfriend

i love when people catch up on things like the wire, and realize “OH wait, EVERYONE on the planet was not lying to me, the Wire is, in fact, very good” (I just experienced this with the sopranos a few months ago)

I already posted a picture of her on Jez yesterday, but I’mma just leave another cute kitten pic here for anyone who needs it tonight.

1. So The Wire. I finished season 1 and it was so good! I had so many feelings! Velociraptor, if you’re here, you need to check that ish out.

I’m 35, back in school, working fulltime and I have procrastinated the shit out of midterm presentation that I have to give this week. Like it was assigned 3 weeks ago and I haven’t even started procrastination. Aside from the fact that I’m intimidated as hell by the assignment, I think that I’m partly dragging my

So, after all of my anxieties leading up to it, I’m now officially 40. Yikes. Here’s to the next new decade of growth, learning, and self-awareness!

As an Oklahoman, I can assure you all that my fellow residents are working tirelessly at this very moment to tie this into a defense of gun owners’ rights.

So I’m confused. Murf Antoinette is an anonymous source? Then his or her name is definitely Murphy, and it’s probably pretty easy to flip through the yearbook and figure out who has an embarrassing dad.

Betting pool on who logs the most time out minutes. My money is on Jia.

That is because you are, quite literally, a fucking baby.