
Do the PhD. I'm 37, finishing undergrad now, and starting my MA in the fall, and yeah, the first year of no longer having the comparatively big income is full of all kinds of little culture shocks, but if what you're applying to is what you can see yourself doing in or out of academia for a good long while once you're

Obviously, the part they're fudging is the acting and singing career, and in actual fact they sell monogrammed coffee thermoses.

I heard something too about how this is fucking over faculty who were encouraged to build their own houses on school grounds, with the promise of being compensated at full market value if they had to relocate, who are now not only out of a job but also out of a whole lot of home equity:

Word. I'm also batting 1.000 with applications, and dropped the ball with one funding application so now I do have to wait and find out about all the others before I commit. Turning down the lower base offers feels good though, doesn't it? (Although really, if I had a dollar for every time I've had to repeat "not

Alba fragrance-free facial SPF 30. I use it all over, every day, even in winter, and it doesn't feel gross at all

I applied to a bunch of film studies programs, and narrowed the offers down to two based on guaranteed funding, potential competitive funding, and where I'd like to be when I'm done with it. I have a strong preference between the two, fingers crossed the right combination of results come in to make it work.

I just saw Catfish the other day and have moved this one to the top of my list. Also if you like these kinds of mysteries of human nature, keep an eye out for I Touched All Your Stuff (not on Netflix yet, still doing festivals)

Getting funding competition results back so I can pick between the two grad schools I've narrowed the choices down to #nothinghumbleaboutthatbrag

Re: combination cleansers - just plain old water in the morning, water and witch hazel at night. No soap, no fancy shit. If I feel like I need to exfoliate, then a bit of baking soda diluted in water does the job nicely (but don't do this too often). If the skin on my jawline feels super dry or like some kind of

I co-sign all the Burt's Bees nominations, and also nominate L'herbier lip balms - I'm particularly a fan of the chocolate orange one. It's all food-grade non-toxic ingredients, smells great, super moisturizing, and it's local to me as a bonus.

I co-sign all the Burt's Bees nominations, and also nominate L'herbier lip balms - I'm particularly a fan of the

I think the fanfic in this case is probably some kind of 50 Shades thing.

I have a similar situation on the first half of that and damn, it does feel good to know I'm in at at least one great program for what I want to do. The downside is I love the city I'm in so much I'm actually heartbroken at the idea of leaving - like, ending my last serious relationship hurt less than this.

I finally got to the anal episode. Amazing. Lord Disick really is the best.

That yarn, though. A close second to the puppy.

1- Discovered that I am absolutely killing it in a class so far outside my specialization that it's almost embarrassing to tell people I'm taking it

Ok, first off, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that's just poor wording - the accusations are a big deal anywhere (or at least they should be). If all he'd done is forget to tip a server, then his fame would be what makes it a big deal "up North".

The child who lives below me is practicing his trumpet right now and it is fucking unbearable. [Jezebel]

ACV isn't overly acidic, and [insert science here] it actually smooths & seals the hair cuticle, so if you have temporary colour you're trying to preserve it's also good for that. Plus if you're full hippie and have the organic kind, the bacteria from the mother is good for your scalp as it rebalances.

I'm going into my fourth year on this plan, and it does take a while for your scalp to get used to things. Stick to baking soda and ACV for now until it resets and you start to get a sense of what it does on its own and how it needs to be managed, than add other stuff back in. Right now mine gets the soda & ACV once a

I didn't even realize it was a real thing until a trip to Oklahoma - until then, I'd always thought it was just something we made up to (politely) mock Americans with. Live and learn.