
I hear ya. I went through a really, really long elimination process before arriving at the celiac conclusion, but it did help me identify other things that aggravated the issue at least. I was lucky enough to be working in a small company at the time who were just so relieved at the thought that not only would I feel

Uggh, good luck! I get constant pains in the same spot in my intestines along with non-stop nausea, achy joints followed by a rash on my joints and scalp, brain fog, and general puffiness, slowness, and inability to be awake and functional, and it can take weeks for my immune system to calm down and let me come back

Fellow celiacs, how do you cope with a glutening? Right now my method is a bowl of miso and as much sleep as I can get, but that's just not always so practical.

I am also clumsy and not built like a ballerina, but I'm going into my 7th semester of weekly ballet and I fucking love it. Yay for schools that offer ballet for fun!

Mr. Ogre, you cheered me up immensely with this, and then I fell down a Postmodern Jukebox rabbit hole and my life is permanently altered for the better. Thank you!

I love camping so I thought I'd be fine with this, but nope. This is not my thing at all. Although I would gladly have paid up to £20 for a shower by the second morning.

I was in the new T2, which connects to a gate at T1 where they moved us all to. In theory, it's set up for that purpose. In practice, it's kind of like sleeping in a blood donor clinic, so marginally better than arrivals, but I was travelling alone and no way was I closing my eyes anyhow.

A+ work, would hover over links again.

Word. 52 hours in Heathrow with only jeans, a blouse, and a blazer, since it was a very short trip to begin with (in theory). There's only so much you can do in the public washroom sinks, you know? Major hub airports need public pay showers in *every* terminal, after the security checkpoint, for precisely this reason.

... until you get off your butt and try to do your dusting for the first time in months

Oh dear. My shelves are probably at 500 or more, and my unread is at about 125 on top of that. Not counting schoolbooks. I think I have a problem.

HELL to the NO. Anyone but Ken Burns. ANYONE.

And mitts! Especially for little kids! With thumbs only 4 stitches around!

Yes! is amazing. If you have an iDevice, the Knitting Help app is the best $5 I've ever spent at iTunes, especially if you're a visual/learn-by-doing type - the app is actually my first stop. The Encyclopedia of Knitting is my second stop, but it was a (wonderful) gift so I have no idea about cost.

Bingo. Dude's been after me to talk money in classrooms for a year now, and it's getting to be very awkward because A) we're in an area where school is publicly (under)funded enough that it's not uncommon for people's parents to be paying their way entirely, meaning scholarships and awards tend to be based on academic

Knitting. I've knit my way out of panic attacks where I can't breathe. It physically forces you into a position where your lungs are wide open and the physical rhythm slows my heartbeat and eventually lulls me back into calm. People always say yoga, which helps me as a daily preventative practice, but knitting's my

I think the baseline is to cover your bathing suit areas and dress for the climate(s) where you'll be, and anything after that is up to your own comfort level and sense of style in the absence of a formal code. It's boiling hot here and about zero degrees Kelvin inside my classrooms, so right now I'm big on sundresses

I have a similar-ish problem with a classmate who was openly bragging about how much his scholarship was worth and trying to needle me about mine in the middle of a very small seminar. I told him it was rude to talk about money, especially in front of 10 other people who hadn't been as lucky and privileged as we were

I agree with you in principle, but for context, this is *literally* 100 times my projected net income for the year before loans, bursaries, and so on.

I completely overhauled my office yesterday and someone made a nesting joke at me about it that suggested maybe I was secretly baby-crazy. I was like, yeah, you're right, totally nesting in preparation for all those 3,000-10,000 word MLA-formatted babies I'm going to push out in painful 24- to 48-hour spurts over the