
Too right! In fact, this whole story just illustrates the point that all this business of letting them vote was totally fucked. We let them vote and the next thing you know they started thinking they should be able to drive and have jobs!!! Like, for pay!!! And THEN, wanting equal pay for equal work? FUCK that!!

In this day and age of Internet porn can we do away with cheerleaders?

Why do we even have cheerleaders anymore? I find them completely unnecessary. If you need to need to look at scantly clad women the internet has revolutionized that arena. You can watch that on your phone as you watch a game if you feel the need to combine those 2 activities. Cheerleaders seem so 1980's! Enough

Sam has been changing in a locker room with other dudes for a long time now. Have you heard about any incidents?

So what you're telling me is that the US Military is more open and accepting of gays than professional sports? And I'm just saying, the military has separate showers for us, why can't the NFL? Nobody HAS to be naked around anybody else... How far do these guys have their head up their ass when they strip off their

I've never been in an NFL locker room (obviously), but I always wondered about this assumption that everybody is in there showering together, prison-style. That seems awfully spartan for what ought to be world-class facilities. Then again, I'm the prude who thinks "maybe put a towel on before you have that

Because you're imagining this fantasy world filled with busty, tanned co-eds complimenting each other's breasts. Real world, having been in co-ed lockers, yeah, they exist, get changed, take a shower, handle your shit, get out. It's not a big deal.

Oh my God a gay man finds me attractive, whatever will I do? Oh right, be a grown ass man and get over myself.

I sit around and touch myself all the time. How could any other person not be so enamored with my penis that they wouldn't keep their hands off me...

A bunch of naked dudes—gay or straight—sharing showers and undoubtedly and undeniably checking out each other's dicks is pretty damn gay to begin with anyways, so all of the people making a fuss might as well get over it.

These are the same NFL Execs who turn into hermetic deaf mutes when anyone asks them about concussions or why their ex-players are dying of CTE in charity hospices with no health insurance....but just the idea of a talented and deserving homosexual in their locker rooms causes those evil fuckers to squeal like pigs.

Please be an ironic comment meant to illustrate how stupid homophobes are. Pretty please.

God I find gay men so distracting. You know...because I'm so straight. Extra bonus strai—Hey look at that fit well-dressed man!

Most executives in the business world (the NFL being no exception) are almost exclusively old white, very capitalist men. Capitalism (and its capitalist practitioners) is indifferent to the qualitative differences of human beings; in favor of rendering all human beings through quantitative logics of valuation. This is

Yeah... everyone knows decisions about peoples' futures aren't made by pitchfork wielding posses. They're made by overzealous wanna-be tough guys with guns.

I don't really see the problem with this fight. If the courts are useless these days and people get away with murder we should just go with it and mix our new twisted ultra- capitalist mentality with a little vigilante justice! Who's with me?! This has gotta be right your up alley libertarians and conservatives! The

I'm not normally such an optimist, but gee whiz there are so many people gunning for this scumbag already chances are pretty damn high that "getting the shit kicked out of him in a fight" is still in the cards.

This is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I think this may have ended with our generation, as you're a year younger than me, but both my younger brother and I both remember finding woods porn in separate incidents.

If every single passenger refused to go through the body scanners and insisted on a pat down, there would be such a backup that they'd have to get rid of the stupid things and just use the metal detectors.

You all misunderstand, "Anal Kid Time" is a new Yankees community outreach program, where they bring inner-city youths down along the first-base line and show them all the people who got f**ked in the ass by paying over a grand for those seats.