"I'd also like to note that "my kid is well behaved" is incredibly subjective. Most parents I've met have a really warped version of "well behaved. "
"I'd also like to note that "my kid is well behaved" is incredibly subjective. Most parents I've met have a really warped version of "well behaved. "
Exactly, or at least, this is the way it's supposed to be. However, this idea is steadily being replaced in our society with "All of society is expected to cater to my child, who is the most important person in the world, and anyone who dares suggest otherwise is a horrible monster".
I hear this, and there is definitely a spectrum of "kids in restaurants". A toddler screaming, running around and throwing shit is an extreme example, granted. Generally, I would say if your kid is not being a disruption, there's no problem, though I will still never understand WHY people would want to bring a child…
Yeah, and that happened in Florida, which is a batshit-insane state, so I wouldn't be using them as an example of the right way anything should be.
Beans are good food, sure, and cheap, but if your whole diet consisted of beans, I probably wouldn't want to stand next to you.
The entire term "organic" is bullshit anyway. If something was once alive (i.e. almost all food except for the completely-lab-synthesized food products like Easy Cheese), it's organic. If you're eating an organism, you're eating something organic. That's what the word means.
It used to be, up through most of the 20th century, that if you were fat, it was because you were well-fed, which meant that you weren't poor. That's changed with the abundance and excess of the last four decades or so, when unhealthy food became cheaper than healthy food.
Because we live in a society now that completely revolves around your child, and anyone who does not bend over backwards for your child is a Complete Monster. Want to let your kid run wild in the store aisles and knock shit over? Go right ahead! Anyone who calls you out on it is being impolite and disrespectful!
Yeah well, NYC is also the place where $2000/month rent might get you a third-floor walkup closet that's infested with rats, so maybe we shouldn't be using them as the model for how to do anything.
Yes, exactly. If I'm eating at one of those places and someone has a kid, it would be ridiculous for me to get upset, unless I'm the most self-centered person in the universe. If you want to bring your child out to dinner, that's where you should be going.
I really don't understand why every single place has to be child-friendly now. Can there be SOME places where adults can expect to be able to go and be away from children? Is that so horrible? That's not saying your child is horrible, or disgusting, or needs to die. Just that we should still be able to have SOME…
I'm pro-abortion. I think they're awesome, and people should have more of them. How do you like that?
"You can't morally justify abortion unless you believe that unborn children are not 'persons'."
Yes, they are self-loathing women who refuse to stick up for their fellow women.
What has he done that's douchey or pretentious though?
If Brady played for any other team, he'd be rightfully loved. But Old-School Football Fans(TM) have decided that no Patriots player will ever be loved.
Maybe it should. I tend to think that if it were socially acceptable and legal to punch somebody when their behavior has warranted it, we'd live in a much more polite society.
Exactly. And a broken clock is right twice a day.
Yes, we know, when black people are insulted, they should just grin and bear it. God forbid a black person ever get angry.
I'm no fan of Kanye, but using that word should get you a punch in the face. That's what it should get you.