
She's going about this totally the wrong way, but she didn't say anything that wasn't true. Halloween isn't the time to make your point, though.

Yeah, your point? It's also LEGAL when adults do it, and not transmitting child pornography.

Funny, I thought touching someone who doesn't want you touching them was already assault under the law. We actually needed a separate law for this?

What is with adults who still use the word "poop"?

I'm not sure which nauseates me more, Ann Coulter or your average Redditor. So I'm just going to steer clear of this AMA, lest I find myself un-eating dinner.

Reddit is full of sexist, racist, homophobic white dudebros in their 20s who think that straight white men have it the hardest in the world.

I wonder how many of these "pro-life" people are in favor of more wars and military action.

The penis mightier than the sword.

Why is it acceptable for mechanics to rip people off?

More like Internet Tough Guy bullshit that your average Redditor might write.

I realize the WBC are the "most easily offendable people on earth", but still, some people need to be offended.

What is with adults who still use the word "poop"?

I've said it before: One of these pop-tarts showing pubic hair would be ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING nowadays. There are a whole generation of 20-something dudebros alive now who have never seen a woman with it.

I never got the hate for Skyler White or Lori Grimes. I agree, it's just sexist dudes hating the main character's wife for the sake of hating her.

I'm usually on board with Jezebel's feminism, but this is ridiculous. Those books are all shit.

Reddit: A racist, misogynist homophobe's playground.

I never argued that it's her choice, in fact, I've been saying that it's her choice all along, right up until the moment of birth, because I don't consider an unborn fetus to be a person. By saying that it is, you're starting to sound like the pro-lifers, and I question how deep your convictions lie.

Quite obviously you've never read "Gerald's Game". Is it "safe horror" to write about a woman giving herself a degloving injury in order to escape from a pair of handcuffs?

I don't know if it's sexist or not, but the movie bears little resemblance to the book he wrote, so I don't begrudge Mr. King for not liking it.

So, that doctor is saying that a mother "owns" her child. Frankly, I find that more objectionable than saying that a fetus is not a child.