
Oh give me a fucking break! How much coin did Hillary’s support for the Iraq War and regime change in Libya and Syria cost the taxpayers? Enough of the sour fucking grapes from the media. 38k is a haircut for Hillary and weave for the Donald. How much taxpayer money went to funding primary elections for the private

We are so overdue for a plague

It’s not. It’s fucking AWFUL having large breasts and you DO get treated like an asshole by asshole ALL.THE.TIME.

I hear her. I’m a female Bernie supporter and I’m tired of bernie supporters being talked about like we (female supporters) don’t exist. I’m not a “Bernie bro”, nor am I sexist, and I care about civil liberties, just like Sanders.

Yes. Please rush to apologize to Zendesk.

That’s ok, he’ll just have to stick with opposing the Iraq war, supporting gay marriage, opposing DOMA, and all the other progressive stances he took literal decades before Clinton found the politically expedient to believe in...