
Or, and I'm just spit-balling here, she could fly her literal dragon over the Lannister army and roast them all to death before they reached Highgarden.

I'm a day late but I just watched the video and you were not lying - it is amazing. This was not a great week but the titanium straight edge video made it all better so thank you for that.

I cried like a baby starting when they all began lining up and kept at it through the end of the episode. But then I'm a notorious cry baby.

1000 times this. The version of Willow's arc for Season 6 in my head is so great, it still makes me crazy to think about the actual arc all these years later. It was all set up and everything and then, nope, magic as drug addiction. So dumb.

Even just reading this made me tear up a bit. What a great episode.

It took me forever to figure out how to pronounce book Bran's name (as in bran cereal instead of "brawn") since Mastodon Brann's name is pronounced like the latter and I knew him first. And now I have to rewatch that scene to find the Mastodon guys!