"Vanessa Blojabditz" (according to IMDb …)
"Vanessa Blojabditz" (according to IMDb …)
That same thing in the atmosphere of the dome must be in the writers' room.
I think that was a sound bite of Rachelle Lafevre when she finished reading the script.
"So Big Jim, those rocks or minerals coming down from the sky?"
😂😂😂 nice one!
" looks like you broke a couple of ribs… It's going to heal, but it's going to take a while." Based on relativistic dome-logic (eg.: Julia's ability to heal from close range gunshot wound), I'd say wheelchair guy will be doing hurdles in a couple episodes. Oh, Dome…
Boy, I tell ya… What I love as much as hate-watching UTD is love-reading these discussions. And beyond all the bat-shit craziness of this show, NOTHING is more gloriously absurd than the fact that all this has happened in three weeks… 😂
Classic Linda.
Her stereotype, to me, was more the "overweight and therefore she could not possibly have had a social life and is therefore smart and nerdy". And yes, I enjoy watching Dome for the train wreck that it is, and for this forum's awesomeness; but I agree that while Dodee was a poorly drawn character, she didn't deserve…
@Bumpy "Nose caddy" = funny x100
Well done.
Barbie put a fish in Curly McJournalist's percolator.
Ha! True: when the Dome voodoo takes a back seat to my disbelief of the doings & sayings of the Domers, something wonderful is happening. I pooh-pooh'ed logic & reason long ago with this adventure.
The bra delivery truck crashed into the water tower.
I wanna Dome your haaaaand.
Domehemian Rhapsody: Beelzebub has a Dome set aside for me, for me. For MEEE!
Mini-dome = Unicorn dropping.
Turned out to be a wise real estate investment for Ginger McCurly.