I think the forced gender integration of frats will also lead to unofficial, off campus groups that get even worse.
I think the forced gender integration of frats will also lead to unofficial, off campus groups that get even worse.
For the gyros, presumably.
Hmm, no. We men don't care about much. If we care, we remember. If we don't then we forget. Also, we can't do 2 things at once, so if a person speaks to us while we do something, it doesn't register.
So men don't remember things because of women?
I can imagine the only thing that would be more horrifying is three women on the same cycle.
The day that I have sympathy for Man Utd being hard done by a refereeing decision will be a dark day, indeed.
Normally I'm leery of ad campaigns that focus on breasts instead of the women, but I like this one. It's about detection, for one thing, instead of 'saving the nice boobies', and I'll admit it showcases a lot of natural-looking breasts and asking you to focus on the feel instead of the appearance.
Bailey Daley
I've had patients legitimately hit on me — one immediately after her abortion, and another right after a pelvic exam.
What he really needs is this.
I'm dying here
I don't understand the regional devotion to drinking bad beer in 2014, which it seems, is your larger point, but for those waning 'post-college but still trying to pretend like you're in college' nights it is usually a step up from the other swill.
And that's how I usually end up drinking a Yuengling. Relative to…
Their... spokesman?
It's never so hot that you can't cover your ass and stomach with a thin layer of cotton.
Looks like the Brazilian team to me
concealing an out of wedlock fetal death? That's a pretty specific crime.
How to properly sneeze into the arm instead of the hand that will booger up the baseball.
Lord, if I have to tell my daughters one more time.....
Goodbye password123 and hello password321.
Not only that, now the NJ police claim they had seen the vid prior to its public release. Clutching my pearls.