
There is no way to know. It could be someone who associates themselves with Anon, it could be someone using anon as a cover to keep heat off themself. Anons are everyone and everything. Some are great hackers, some just offer their support with bots, botnets, whatever. There is no real group, though there is

but what are 'reasonable terms' to apple? A company like Apple, used to getting deals better than anyone else due to economy of scale, may simply have 'unreasonable terms'.

Not a lawyer, but a vet. A Recon Marine at that (pre-MARSOC, but still). I understand the fear, anger and loss that can come from the loss of a brother, but there is a line. If the line is crossed, apt justice must be upheld or it tarnishes the history of the U.S.A., the military, and the Corps. I don't know the

I guess it depends on what exactly is meant by "indicate a fast nuclear reaction". Is a 'fizzle' considered 'fast', or does it have to reach critical mass and full reactivity to release that level of Ba-140, and is that what he means by 'fast'?

This is actually a concept that has been picked up by sE electronics for studio monitors in the pro audio realm. I haven't heard them in a properly treated acoustic space, but I have heard good things. The sE Munro's are a LOT more than these things are, but also likely sound many times better, or at least are many

Yea, I am obviously not going to argue that. lol Chances are that we we probably won't see more wrinkles, acne scars, and hair lips on done-up actors/actresses on the big screen. More likely, we will just create more jobs in the editing studios in hollywood (or the valley, or perhaps more likely - in India). As

He is right though, I remember reading somewhere that this was a big problem for the adult film industry because editing costs skyrocketed due to the need to get ass acne, ingrown hairs and other imperfections out of the shots.

I pay 24.99 for unlimited data due to a company discount. Do you have a company or business discount code attached to your account? It doesn't have to be a company phone, but many large corporations/businesses get discounts from the major cell carriers and you might have a discount from that. I pay something like

The thing is, these devices always win the "best of _____", yet they are less than 10% of the PC marketshare. The Macbook Air is nothing more than a slimmed up notebook - something that was inevitable as technology shrunk. They may have been the first, but it's not like another company wouldn't have done the same

Totally agree that these are awesome headphones for the price(if they are good enough for Bobby Owsinski...), but I don't think monoprice can promise delivery by Friday.

I read early Jan for the Droid 4. I can't decide which way to go either. I went and checked out the Nexus this morning and no doubt, it's fast phone with a nice screen and ICS seemed great for the 5 min I was playing with it. But, I really like the physical keyboard for some things, and to be honest, the Nexus and

I don't know why, but I simply could not be impressed by this video. I tried. Hard. But I mean... it's a fucking pogo stick. Relative to things I have seen done (or even personally done) on bikes (BMX and downhill mountain), skateboards, snowboards, skis, wakeboards, Jet Skis (the real stand-up kind, not the sit

I am not so sure about the logistics of smuggling. In fact, I think smuggling is far easier than most Americans realize, or are willing to admit. Just think about the vast amount of drugs, sex slaves and illegal immigrants that make it into the country every year. Whether through Mexican caves, low altitude air

You have to keep in mind that most people driving luxury and sports cars (even ferrari, lambo's, etc) are making payments on them just like you and I do on our cars. Very few have the money to buy one with cash.

ok, got me there. :(

Not really sure how to respond to that. I don't feel like I am wasting anything when I am doing something I enjoy. I've been published in Nature, have my medical career to continue when I have the time for it (on hold due the diagnosis of my son being Autistic and not having the luxury of someone else to care for

I loved coloring as a kid, hell I still color, and am starting a business in the music industry, but also got my B.S. in Molecular Biology/Biochemistry and minored in Computer Science Engineering, then went the route of research, hospital internship and then on to med school testing apps, education. The whole

Just ordered it for my 5 year old who LOVES coloring and science. She had a book sale at her school this week, and she brought home 2 books. "Pinkolicious", and "I Wonder Why the Sea is Salty: And Other Questions About the Oceans".

I would love to see the data supporting your assertion. I understand the argument, but also don't find it too far fetched. Google TV might be transforming to something we don't yet know about, or may become a web app of some sort that can easily function through TV's that have net connectivity.

Thank Flying Spaghetti Monster! I hate the new version. SO much white and blankness. Feels like the Gobi desert of email clients. Not to be confused with the Gobi Dessert, which is quite tasty if you like scorpion.