
For some people, the Auto setting is all they really need. It is definitely a step up in metering, white balance and focus ability (not to mention speed) from most point-and-shoots. I too love having the ability to set super low fixed iso and aperture to get the focal depth I want, but at the same time, I can hand

lol... magnesium does NOT "set on fire." It oxidizes to form magnesium oxide, just as aluminum does. Yea, it can burn if you ignite it with a hot fire, but it doesn't spontaneously combust. Most helicopters feature lots of magnesium on them.

Got my BS in molecular biology/biochemistry. At least here in CA, stem cell research is going pretty well, and I see this headline as a joke. Locally, Gentec is taking it pretty seriously in some veins, and the state has a good chunk of funding for it. Biomedical Engineering doesn't seem to focus as much at the

Except that people have been getting tips from inside Apple, and not through Samsung employees. Unless Samsung has deep cover agents placed inside Apple to feed the media BS, your claim is as crazy as Steve's claimed reasoning for killing the 5.

It's not difficult. GPS, handled laser rangefinders, hell, even Pythagorean theorem can call get you accurate numbers. It's not complicated.

I'll take a used pair of 80's or 90's era Sony MDR-V6's over any of these any time. Buy some new ear foam, and you can probably get them for $50 on ebay delivered, and they will sound better than anything listed above.

Wow, resident I am guessing? Get over your insecurities.

I am the father of an autistic child, in addition to being trained as a biochemist that interned at the world renowned U.C. Davis MIND Institute. Yes, there are apps that are helpful, but they still fall short relative to (admittedly more expensive) hardware designed specifically for communication. The PECs apps are

A "PC" by definition is a "Personal Computer". Laptops, notebooks, tablets, ipads, hell even smartphones are all by definition "PCs".

Relevant and interesting. Thanks for sharing!

They also have the perception of solving world hunger issues and curing cancer. Doesn't mean it's always true. (sarcasm, folks!)

The thing about draining the battery to the death is B.S.. It might help calibrate the battery meter, but LIPO batteries do not fare well being completely drained. It hurts long term battery life (device lifespan) and will NOT do anything to increase it's short term life (daily charge).

well said.

actually no. The companies being sued by apple can produce/demonstrate such ROMs as evidence of prior art.

And as stated, Android was purchased in 2005, and Apple invited Schmidt a year later board knowing that Google was working on Android. As a result, Schmidt was excused from all Board meetings in which the iPhone was discussed. Schmidt had no inside information, at least not as a result of being on the board.

Not nearly as cool as the Moog VST or RTAS plugins (and of course, light years from the real Moog consoles with the tons of wires to shift around and play with), but still a lot of fun so far. Didn't even know it existed, thanks for the heads up.

I don't know that they could go to a metallic material without having issues with the antenna.

I ride a Specialized bike that I really like. Have had Santa Cruz, Yeti and others, but I have always come back to specialized for some reason. I tend to stick with more all mountain bikes because I do some single track trail riding in addition to downhill, so my current bike is a specialized Enduro, but really

what doesn't play nice? You mount it, it's like having another drive, drag and drop if you need files. Unless you like syncing to itunes, which I find to be totally archaic (even Apple is moving away from it to the cloud). Google Music + Spotify + Dropbox + Amazon Cloud + VPN is pretty much anything you could ever

guess it's all relative, but everyone I know sees Motorola as company with the potential for unparalleled hardware quality. Design is not always the best, and software has always been a sore spot for Moto, but the quality of build for their high end phones is often unrivaled.