
I can't be the only one that finds this whole idea gaudy and atrocious? Seems to me someone is trying way too hard.

booby traps! Don't worry, you have pinches upowah!

I don't know how one can quantify how much is copied, but 80% seems excessive to me. The only things they have in common, really, are they are both touch oriented. Android's entire interface and interaction is very different. From the app drawer to widgets, custom backgrounds to notifications, VM to multitasking,

Not sure the fanboy comment was necessary, but in any case, the Peter Hajas (now at Apple) and Kyle Adams (who together created MobileNotifier) have both stated publicly they took the idea from Android. So, it's not entirely accurate to claim that it wasn't inspired by Android. I don't think that claim is anything

totally agree. At this point, having stock android is a differentiator. Would be nice if one of the manufacturers would realize this and capitalize on it. There is room for more than just the Nexus devices.

That's the thing, you can already do all the same stuff on android and have been able to since Gingerbread. Clearing an individual notification is just a side swipe on the notification, ordering can be done through preferences or apps, turning off notifications for apps is easy. Not sure what Apple is doing better,

There are similar sync/backup methods if you want, or apps that backup everything (titanium), and complete rom backups whenever you want. There are multiple ways to do it, which is part of the problem. There isn't one clear way - there are options, which not everyone has an interest in evaluating.

yea, no doubt it will suddenly become a beautiful masterpiece of "industrial design" (quoted because 95% of people using the term do so in the wrong context).

That is what everyone said about the iPhone 4 when Giz leaked it. Go back to the original article. Not saying this is legit, but when it comes to Apple leaks, most people are completely wrong.

I have no doubt that is true, but I also have no doubt that China could write a check to (or kidnap the family of) the right engineer(s) to make sure they knew exactly what and how to fix it.

We generally buy the gallon jug of organic stuff from costco. Contents are listed as 100% squeezed orange juice. Tastes just like the stuff I juice at home (sweet, pulpy, with just a little bit of tart to it).

I know what you are saying, but at the same time, how many activists in Egypt, Libya, Bahrain...etc used their real names to fight the oppression they struggled against while posting videos and commentary on twitter, facebook, youtube, etc?

You completely missed the point. Android was purchased by Google in 2005, a year before Schmidt joined Apple's board. They had already committed to a mobile phone platform by the time Schmidt joined the board. It was for this very reason that from the beginning, Schmidt was NOT in the boardroom when the iPhone

Great idea. While I am there, I might teach a transparent class on sarcasm. Seems there are a lot of people who could benefit on some lessons.

hence the 'eventually' =D

This is eventually going to be great when the only way to buy applications for OSX is through the Apple-approved app store. I mean, who would want to run an app that isn't approved by Apple? Thanks Steve for putting our security first. Choice is overrated if it makes us vulnerable to bugs and hackers.

Way it is now, departmental/building/district/etc. data centers are used for the storage of data and are largely independent from each other. Individual centers will have variable security and sure some won't be nearly as good as others, but that isn't really what i am talking about.

I think you are right that the PS3 helped some, but the much bigger issue was that Sony payed billions to the movie studios to stick with their format. And, shortly prior to that, the HD-DVD encryption was cracked and publicly released, scaring the production companies about piracy. Idiots that they are, they

Yea, they are just not doing the best job explaining the changes. The gov. is simply moving to fewer, higher capacity/efficiency centers. Data centers are already by definition "the cloud". They are going to a more consolidated/central system rather than many smaller ones.

Yea, so? Google Purchased Android a FULL YEAR before Eric Schmidt was appointed to the Apple board. So you are telling me he had inside info at Apple before he was even on the board there? He a psychic or something?