
Samsung is blatantly trying to copy the iPhone, and I hope they lose their ass for that, but I don't see how Google can be faulted for that. I only fault Schmidt for attempting to defend samsung. The sooner their skin dies, the happier I will be.

Always get a kick out of these types of posts.

If it's good enough for the Goose...

This is a problem, but there is a pretty large difference in the type of information they share. Google shares analytics, facebook shares your personal information. I would much rather have a company share my information as statistical data rather than personal demographics.

The biggest issue here isn't that Comcast disconnected him, it's that in most of the US there is a monopoly on true broadband internet. I am fortunate in that I have two broadband (and I don't mean psuedobroadband DSL) providers in my area, but most people don't. We need more options than the one major cable

Yea, I think people are a lot more excited about iOS - and for good reason. It brings a lot of things that other mobile OS's have been benefiting from for a long time.

It's really a pity. Palm could have had a major score with WebOS, but (at least from a consumer standpoint) they really blew it. Three major things that went wrong could have pretty easily gone right with the proper management: 1) Delayed release = people lost interest from the announcement 2) Terrible marketing

I have been reading this a lot today. Oddly enough, not a single one of my OSX-using friends is looking forward to it. Wonder if we are going to see a Final Cut OSX Pro situation?

nope - you misunderstand the interoperability criteria in the DMCA. It allows for the reverse engineering of programs for program-to-program interoperability, but does not allow for program-to-data. So yea, people can make a program that can talk to apple products, but by law are not allowed to access any of the

You are wrong - Apple can make just as much without licensing the iPod connector. How? By licensing AirPlay or whatever contrived wireless transfer tech they steal from the open standards and modify to their own proprietary use. They are already doing it.

Poor RIM. They must have a big hail-mary coming if the board is allowing their co-CEO's to keep their jobs. Things just aren't looking well for them. And MS... yea, they are losing sorely to Android and iOS.

If you have a decent card, the best thing to do is just into a mining pool. There are a number of them out there, some that are free/donation based. I am really happy with bitcoinpool, but there are a lot of options, just make sure to do a little research to make sure the pool operators are transparent and honest.

It has to be 'shopped. The lighting angles on the plane don't match that of the ground (look at the shadowing), the angle of the plane itself relative to the ground it's pretty much impossible given the altitude and landing gear being down, and the motion blur of the background doesn't seem to match either.

Just HAD to promote the Bean reference.

I put this in the tips yesterday...



Yea, blame LG. It's not like Apple is responsible at all for QA of their products, that would be ridiculous.

Feels natural, right up until you realize you can't rest your hand on the surface of the screen without it causing your app to respond.

You can run plain vanilla. "Root" just means you have access (with permission to change) to the system files. It's like running windows as an administrator. You don't HAVE to make any further changes if you choose not to.