
The application of this therapy was fortunate for the individual, but is highly unlikely to ever be seriously pursued as a means of HIV treatment. The huge risk of irradiation and reseeding of marrow is going to be hard to justify for anyone other than perhaps leukemia patients (or a select few cancers).

@Jason Chen: yea, going to have to agree with you Jason. While the 'geek' world is rapidly expanding, the bulk of the consumers aren't going to be rooting and flashing new ROMs.

@Michael Scrip: you are right. I lied. Was thinking of the MicroSD card slot. Brain fart.

@Tetsuooooooo: you have to keep in mind that the kind of people the iPad is aimed at aren't necessarily the type that shoot with SLRs.

@asten77: yea. The fact that it doesn't have a USB port is one of the main reasons I won't own one.

Awesome illustration Sam! lol

@Decad3nce: that is what I first thought, lol. Shoot me a BOps invite sometime when you are playin and see me on.

@pirate_panda: very clever. what you did there, i am seein it.

I continue to use Tversity for home streaming of video. Took a bit to figure out how to stream .mkv (and needs some decent processing capability to transcode), but once setup it works pretty well for us.

@ps3udorca: really, they aren't even all that rare. They are among the more common "fancy gemstones". Ruby and Sapphire are both more common. They just aren't controlled as tightly by the cartels.

@OCEntertainment: yea, the 15 minute thing is pretty terrible. It's only going to encourage me to take less legitimate means to 'trial' software. Maybe I will like things enough to buy the software. Maybe my trial will just last for a long time. With the 24 hour option, I never downloaded anything that wasn't

@BossRGR: Yea, I agree. Hopefully as the OS continues to evolve, manufacturers will stop messing with it so much. Right now, they do it for differentiation and 'improvement'. Hopefully they will start rethinking the need to make 'improvements' when the OS is fully polished, and still be able to differentiate with

@Greetings-I-come-from-afar: yea, there are a number of prior-art issues I am aware of, including bump. Then again, lately the patent office has decided to grant everything and let the courts sort it out. Pretty stupid.

@wagnerrp: yea, but look at the size of that barrel. I can guarantee you that the acceleration for that round is far lower than it will be for a ship based rail sabot with the kinetic energy needed to reach 220 miles. Not saying it isn't possible, just that I am aware of a lot of engineering problems related to

@CorporateRobot: well, being that Matt has an iPhone4, I think we can take his word for it. He hasn't been shy about complaining about laggy interaction in the past.

@wagnerrp: yea, that is why I said "non-LOS" things like missiles.

@TVs_Frank: I agree with Bsartist. Lasers are LOS, and 220 miles is well beyond LOS due to the curvature of the earth.

@Obi-Haiv: that actually makes some sense.

@minibeardeath: the higher you fire, the more prone you are to losing accuracy due to atmospheric changes.