
@pagan_god: It's probably best to wait and see what Google announces. Right now, you are seeing a couple screenshots. In addition, Google never claimed they were making anything like a facebook competitor. Other sites have been starting rumors like this forever to garnish clicks, but G has never said anything like

@Chinedu Opara: The eyes are almost full sized at birth, and grow very little as we age into adulthood.

@brianbeatdown: Zune with zunepass is easily as good as the ipod in my experience. Doesn't have the app catalog, but for a music player, I don't care. Beyond that, android phones are as solid my experience too, thanks to some really solid 3rd party apps. The only downside is the lack of sped-up playback (would like

LCD: ...typically sports much better resolution than E-Ink

@FuzzysFriedChicken: yea, that is one of the things that kills me about Apple. Smart business I suppose, but it really sucks to be a consumer that wants products across multiple ecosystems.

While accidental hitting of the CAPS key is annoying, I can't imagine it will be any less annoying to hit a search key and have a search window pop up, or have the cursor move to the search box while I am typing something and fat-finger it. That will screw up workflow even more for me.

@redman042: shipped to a holding center most likely. They aren't going to just sit on them, and a million or two iPads take a lot of space, and time to make. They aren't going to just whip them out the month before release.

I can't believe anyone buys this crap.

@Prostate of Grace: careful. Too much longer and they will drain it with a big ass needle.

I am/was a big supporter of the release of other documents. They were perhaps somewhat anticlimatic, but I felt there were some interesting aspects that many Americans already knew and/or assumed, but that most wouldn't ever consider. Bringing them to light may actually increase dialogue about certain foreign

@m1ndtr1p: yup, he's in London last I read, and the authorities there know where he is staying.

Such contemporary 'minimalist' styling just screams new-money and lack of taste to me. The accent lighting and faux lines are the antithetical to 'minimalism', they would be more apt in calling it modernist with a strong dose of sterility.

@kellanpan: I too prefer netbeans for just about everything. Eclipse just seems bloated, unless you really need a plugin not available to other platforms.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: diamond is actually fairly susceptible to heat damage. Anyone who has ever used diamond tipped bits can tell you the importance of keeping the bit cooled with the proper lubricants if you want it to last.

@Ali Mostofi: not yet perhaps, but I would wager that compatibility is coming.

@Borski88: not really. Not all coral is photosynthetic; there are a large number which are filter-feeding and require no sun to survive. Some of them do indeed have calciferous 'skeletons'.

@typica1cat: wish he had a Droid1 port for that, looks very nice!

@Ridley: think the Royale with cheese is in France (if my pulp fiction trivia is correct) .

@EvanSei lets boogaloo!: around here Costco sells Coke in glass bottles. Not only is nt glass, but it's the good stuff, imported from Mexico and made with real cane sugar instead of the high fructose corn syrup. Tastes better, and is better for you. win-win imo