
@ddjeffries: the multitouch patent that apple was granted was not a generalized patent covering all mutlitouch. It was at the same time very ambiguous and I have a hard time believing it will ever hold up in court. Patents are granted all the time that shouldn't be - it's up to the courts to toss the baseless ones.

@redman042: in the presentation it was mentioned to be an IPS display with an additional 'anti-glare' coating on the glass.

@versii: I actually had one, with the i5 and carbon. Absolutely loved it. I ended up returning it simply because it was over $1k more than the envy 14 I was also considering. I definitely liked the Z more, but not $1000 more. Were pricing not an issue, I wouldn't have kept the envy - but for my use, it made more

@rfarkas: The Z is a beautiful computer, and is much faster than the MBA's due to use of the i series processors and faster Nvidia discrete graphics. They are also slightly larger (thicker) and weigh a little more, and have a higher cost due to more expensive components and dual SSD's.

@Michael Scrip: I don't disagree with your conclusion, but the wacom digitizer was planned from day one, just as an fyi.

@Odin: how long before the Mac App Store is the only option for publishing apps for OSX? As unlikely as it may seem, I can only assume that someone at Apple is actively working on a way to make that future reality.

7-11 style!

@demonic_pascal: I know a lot of people on both Verizon and AT&T who use blackberries or android that would never switch. Being that most of the world has access to both iphone and android, and android is making equally impressive gains in those markets relative to iOS, I think your concerns are a little (or a lot)

@Les Mikesell: I'd recommend checking out doggcatcher. It's a pretty full feature podcast app that has a lot of flexibility.

@BadPlasmid: bah, image fail. Try it here...

I spent a few years running the Aquatics division of a company that made and distributed lighting systems and accessories for high-end tanks. It was a well-funded startup and gave me a lot of great design experience. The lights themselves have a lot of research behind them and cost a pretty penny to setup.

Does this kid have a tatoo on his chest of a naked vampire chick looking out a window? Cause I am pretty sure I saw him in "Cemetery Junction".

@DBinSD: want to prove me wrong then Genius? Companies may try to have employees sign them, but they can't be enforced in the state.

@minibeardeath: they do generally expire, but in California they are illegal - so any statutes don't apply to begin with.

@astrocramp: by law a corporation IS a citizen. It's up to them to support what they want and suffer any repercussions which may crop up.

@Ridley: yea, I am going to have to go ahead and disagree with you, ummmmkay? Sam's work is awesome and powerful, ummmmkay? mmmmmkay.

@Tom_Servo: we aren't going to be that lucky. As soon as he starts to fade, there will be either a home video 'leaked', or he will be photographed at a strip club.

@Waffles And Syrup: learn how to detect sarcasm and a joke, stop trying to sound like superior technophile douchebag.

@x219c: yea, it was the first gen unibody MBP. Don't get me wrong, as far as touchpads go, it was good. It's just touchpads in general that don't do it for me. If I have the option to not use one, I much prefer it. I certainly wouldn't opt for a one as a peripheral when I have the chance to use a mouse.

@PN - goopplesoft: I do believe you are right, I see the Verizon now too. Good catch!