
@PN - goopplesoft: I see a comcast looking box (the silver motorola), in which case - bad man, bad man!

@mykalt45: I'd rather just use keyboard shortcuts, a trackpoint or a mouse.

Anyone else creeped out by the fact that the congress app wants to know your location?

Um, no thanks. A good mouse is much more accurate and comfortable. Trackpads are a convenience I will put up with on a notebook, but for any real work, it's about a mouse or pen (intuos). I guess people will buy anything if it has the right logo on it...

@BGR: Snapdragon isn't just a chip, it is an architecture used by a family of chips. There are new snapdragons coming out this year that are built on 42nm processes and run 1.2-1.5GHz, some with dual-cores. I feel some of the snapdragons are overhyped relative to some of the newer OMAP and samsung stuff, but

@Jerry Riechert: agreed. Ever since locale went gold, jacked up the price and overloaded the UI, I have been running an earlier beta version of tasker. Eventually I will buy the live version. Tasker is not as quick to setup, not as flashy, but it's more capable and detailed than Locale.

@gebinsk: i know. Wishful thinking.

If they don't come out with a very reasonable rate (like twice the bandwidth as ATT) I will jump to Sprint without second thought. LTE coming isn't enough for me. I won't be travelling out of the country any time soon, and will have 4G in my area by the winter.

@Ian Logsdon: capacitive styli do not require special hardware outside of a capacitive touchscreen. The problem with them is that they flat out suck. They don't generally have pressure sensitivity and when they do, it's inaccurate, laggy, and if you touch the screen with your hand/palm while writing it registers a

@Mark 2000: it's not only laggy, but the touch interface doesn't turn off like real tablets, so if you hit the screen with your hand it registers a touch and screws up (at least when I tried it).

@NuevoLeon: It's been on windows for years, but just keeps getting better. I have used it since ver 6, and it's now at 8.5. The pen input is simply awesome. They have a free trial to download. Works great for .pdf editing in general (not just tablet use).

@Ian Logsdon: would be for me, but it doesn't. N-Trig and Wacom both have great mulitouch interfaces that allow for proper pen use. Best of both worlds.

@C3PA: if you have ever used one of those, and then used a real Wacom or N-Trig style input, you know that there is no comparison. Pogo (and others of its ilk) are complete shit.

@TheSonOfKrypton: the pogo sucks relative to 'real' stylii. I have one, and compared to the wacom digitizer on my x200t, it's not even on the same planet, let alone in the same ballpark. Pressure sensitivity and accuracy aren't optional imo.

@NuevoLeon: agreed. And hopefully bluebeam will port a version of Revu to Android and WebOS. Their pdf. annotation software is awesome for note taking and for marking up lecture slides/ebooks.

This is great!

@Superfresh: awesome song. Another day, another man-lust for Les Claypool.

Wouldn't radiation kill them long before the heat ever became an issue (not talking IR, but nuclear & high energy)?

iPad was terrible, Palmpad is just as horrible.