
@Go Vols!: But that is the thing, gaming companies HAVE been cross developing. Every game you see released on the PC, PS3 and Xbox has most likely been developed from middleware. MW2 and BC2 are both examples.

Phone looks pretty nice, but it needs more buttons. One button navigation sucks. Coming from the iPhone to Android, the addition of the menu and back buttons have really helped make the interaction more flexible and enjoyable. I don't really use the search button nearly as often though, so I guess I could live

Thanks for the heads up, will have to remember this trick for when playing with disconnected phones.

@Killjoy: along these same notes, don't vote for Presidents just because you think they would be the better candidate to drink a beer with.

@Graham J: Did you read Jason's review of the iPhone 4? I have a hard time believing that was the work of someone with an obvious bias against Apple.

@TetraGenesis: I checked it out and have to say it's definitely not for me. Thanks for the heads up though, always open to giving things a shot.

@TetraGenesis: I checked it out and have to say it's definitely not for me.

Oh god... the music, it hurts my head. Couldn't even watch the whole video with the terrible background music.

@l4crosse: sounds like a job for Bluebeam pdf REVU.

@draper3000: the problem with the ipad is that it's nothing like a digital notepad. The lack of a digitizer for pressure-sensitive pen input is extremely limiting for those who want to use it for productivity. Right now it's just a media consumption application launcher.

Now playing

no asteroid post can be done without the pink floyd asteroid impact clip (no, that is not what it's called, but that is what I call it).

@Drummertist: actually, I am not adding much if anything. Look at the source. Giz really didn't publish the part where he gave his iphone to his 3 year old grandkid because they are into them.

@Drummertist: not published is the part where he claims he gave his iPhone to his 3 year old grandkid because it's a toy.

Ah ha! The old "Saran Wrap over the toilet" trick.

Of course they aren't going to spy on us with that, they have other means already in place. Everyone knows they already use foreign sites/countries to spy on Americans and they trade info.