
@DRM.HollyWood: it's definitely known in the whitenoise IRC channel, that is where I first heard about it when it went beta.

@DRM.HollyWood: Another LauncherPro convert here too. Been running it since Cyanogen 5.0.6 and have found it to be great.

Doesn't surprise me much. I just got my first scratch on my Droid after a year of carrying it it my pocket with keys, pens, and whatever else(which shares the silicate-hardened glass of the iPhone4 and other devices). It kind of surprised me, but it's bound to happen. If you don't want scratches, buy an ugly ass

@kfujimot: it is more efficient due to the die shrink. I have seen numbers from 35-70% more efficient (per clock), so its probably safe to assume battery life should be at least as good as the original Droid, if not better. Chances are that power handling will be a bit better due to the improvements in software

720P? Is the resolution really 1280x 720? That would be pretty awesome.

Awesome, I am definitely getting one of these. The controllers are one of the major reasons I buy all cross platform games for 360 (the other being that most of my friends are on XBLive).

Yea, that is how a lot of us felt going from the archaic iPhone 3G/3GS to the much higher ppi of android phones like the Droid.

@ArseneKarl: yes, it is. Feel free to google it.

You know, I kind of laughed when I first heard it, but really - who cares if it's James Cameron? I don't care who it is that helps stop this nightmare, and welcome all the help and input possible from people with the ability to possibly offer a good idea.

@Donuthead: The problem with your jest/theory is that the storage of memory and processing do not occur in the same places. And in fact, the act of memorizing actually 'exercises' the parts of your brain that do the processing, making it faster and more able to make connections in what you have stored, or what you

Either way, I am sure the screen is going to look phenomenal. My Droid looks amazing (especially relative to my old iP3G), and the iP4 has quite a bit higher ppi. Of course, it's also got a pretty terrible aspect ratio. It's almost counterintuitive that it has such high resolution without a real widescreen. That

Crap, that was far longer than I realized... going to cut and repost as a reply to cut down on space.

@xsbs: well, that is fair enough and I can totally accept that. Nothing wrong with having different taste.

@iRant: thanks for the link, looks like a lot of great info.

@xsbs: Yes, there are always ways to try and optimize code, but it's not always effective use of resources.

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I won't argue with that, in fact, I think I agree with you. My point is that by taking what is now a somewhat uncommon and certainly not mainstream form and making it easily available to the mass public, they are just going create a lot more opportunity for those shitty artists to present their

@nowdevidebyzero: I am pretty sure you misunderstood my point. I may be at fault for not explaining it properly (it's been a long week).

HDR is cool as an art form, but I am not sure that it will bode well for the form if it's available on all cameras with a simple click. I can see it being overused and 'played out'. Then again, I am sure some great images will come out of it, and I am always looking to add to the wallpaper rotation.

@Alluvian: ok, my bad. Seems we are both victim to the lack of "intonation" on the internet. My original 3d post was something of an opportunistic joke as well (in expectation of all the screaming about how 3d is going to ruin video or other such nonsense).