
@xsbs: I am not game creator, but I minored in CS and know enough about it to make a halfway intelligent comment.

@xsbs: I love change, and I even enjoy good 3D on occasion. The problem is that the overwhelming majority of this new 3D content is terribly produced and overpriced. It doesn't give me headaches, it looks like shit.

@Alluvian: It's funny how in your other post you make a point about how you don't go to some movie site and complain, and yet you come to a completely different topic and complain.

$29 for that? Wow.

oh god, please no. Make this 3D nightmare end!

@superberg: whoops, forgot to link the GPU info:

@kayanlau: the parent company yes - but the factory? A wholly owned subsidiary. It depends on where the the contracts were signed.

@LukeDukem: similar, but the OMAP CPU is now a 45nm chip and has 200mhz higher clock, meaning faster, more energy efficient, and even better overclocking (current droid overclocks with stability to 1GHz). The GPU is also better than most of those seen on the snapdragon phones. So, performancewise, it's easily as

@superberg: I think we will just have to wait and see. The GPU in the Droid2 is unquestionably better than the N1, and the OMAP 3640 that is reported to be inside is a 45nm chip, which is not only going to be far more efficient than the 1G snapdragon, but but will also perform nearly as well despite the lower

Sounds pretty cool. I am still not anywhere near convinced I am going to want to adopt Chrome as an OS, but I look forward to seeing more.

Thanks for this Adam. It's been a long week, hell, a long year for me, but things are looking up. My last final was today, and my awesome son (who is autistic) looked at me and said 'dada' today for the first time - both of which were gifts. And now, a tragic yet beautiful story to finish off the evening.

@kayanlau: yea, good luck to Apple in succeeding with a lawsuit against a Chinese company in China.

@Gators15: it's easy to get all hysterical, but try using a little perspective. Most of those employees are temporary (as many articles have described), working as interns or some equivalent.

@tande04: if only I could promote you.

Wait a minute... n=62 for android? And that is supposed to be a convincing sample size?

Keep in mind a lot of money that is spent doing research into energy isn't counted in this $5 bil.

@Darkest Daze: Oh I get it. My poorly made point was simply that the layout was bad and it lacked labeling; so I could see how people might need to stare at it a while to make sense.

@Go Vols!: I have a hard time believing it was an accident. I mean, ok if having a retarded employee make a bad decision is an accident, then sure, it's an accident.

@Chris Pratt: an overwhelming amount of it isn't even people anymore: it's a lot of algorithm trading.