
Obama a populist? WTF is wrong with you. Oh wait, I know. Too much Bernie dust up your nose every morning. 

It’s not just that he appeals only to white bros, but that the white bros he appeals to, are so fucking toxic. 

I don’t care what the reason is, as long as he’s a “No”. People get to have different #1 reasons. 

They are welcome to do so, I’m still not voting for his wrinkly gray ass. 

Hi there, mediocre white man trying to be something he’s not.

I am so over Lindelof.

Omg, that's the original? Holy shit. I only know the Weird Al version.

Here’s the obligatory “This is not who we are” from the school district.

Flag it as hate speech. 

Because black people in general have so much disposable income and generational wealth that the most educated person in the household can be spared to teach the kids for free.

Yup, that’s my America.

“Hotep Cosell” oooh you went ALL THE WAY there. 

I don’t even load them anymore. No value there. 

Oh hey, where’s Ghouliani?

He already looked like that...

Yeah, that’s a problem I am never going to have with my girlfriend. Because we’re in our 40's and still tapping it on the reg. (both of us are female, so not incels anyway)

“An art”

No, it’s not the consumer’s fault. 

He’s best when he shuts the fuck all the way up and stays home. 

Probably the network “We can’t just let women talk. We need to have an old white guy there to make sure everyone knows whose opinion is important.”