Not all skinfolk are kinfolk.
Not all skinfolk are kinfolk.
I just hope she writes the book.
Sadly that seems to be Bernie’s current playbook.
“Third-world” fuck you.
Take your damn star. :D
They didn't have to. Florida is a right-to-work state.
It's literally how we got here in the first place.
I was a Disney cast member, the corp’s position was ALWAYS “There are at least a million people who want this job, so the 11th Commandment is LAW.”
Awww, you’re so cute. Not.
Yeah yeah, you masturbate to the Turner Diaries, we get it.
Do you know what saying “We need a 3rd party” indicates? That you have no fucking idea how this system was set up, how it works, or any other thing.
STFD and shut yer know-nothing yap, toots.
In the same vein: Stop calling black women “sista” unless you know them, too. I’m tired of having men pull the “sista” line and then try to get in my pants. If this is the way you treat -your- sister, I got nothing for ya, chuuuump.
Sir, this is a Wendy’s. Both of you, out.
You’re simply wrong. Masturbate all you want, you aren’t going to be “right” just because you argued a bunch at The Root.
Now fuck right off.
It seems the jury and the judge disagreed, thus making your statement of “no reasonable person can conclude that Guyger intended to kill” completely false.
No, the proper question is not “Why don’t white women get off” it’s “Why don’t white male cops get convicted?”
He’s just lying his ass off to troll everyone.
Male cops can get convicted, as long as they aren’t white.
Barbra Streisand is getting tired, folks.
I’m underwhelmed by Booker.