
Good. Can’t be dustbinned soon enough.

Becos they only want white people to feel safe and welcome, natch. 

I am utterly tired of watching White People go into White Space to find their Absent White Daddies.


Oh well done, sir. 

Most people already work in that place...for a lot less $$.

He’s still the best option, just not great. 

This is why journalism outlets are all Pikachu-shocked-face when they enact paywalls and people don’t pay. 

They’re not even his ideas. 

I’ve seen it several times...although since I live in MN it’s more of “watch huge SUV whose driver doesn’t know 4WD does not equal “Stop” end up in the ditch 5 minutes after dangerously passing on the right.” 

I already didn’t have bio-kids. Now i’m having grandkids-by-choice. Well, and partnering into two kids I had no hand in making, but dammit I’m gonna raise them right.

Only if we waterboard him first. 

Yeah, I don’t blame them at all. I was protesting climate issues in the ‘80's and wondering where everyone else was. They hadn’t been born, apparently. They just caught up, and damn, it’s good to see them. I’ll be over here being so fucking proud of Gens Y and Z.

Truth hurts. 

I’m not wiping tears, YOU ARE!!!

It’s not snark, dear, just reality. 

It just didn’t happen to white women, so they largely didn’t care.

It’s good money. 

In historical terms this means “We’ll put a black face on something we know will fail.”

NFL cockblock.