Because she wins cases for women against men.
Because she wins cases for women against men.
It just takes someone who wants to do it. That’s all.
I’m not sure if this is ageism, colorism, racism, or some other ism, but Julian was doing his job, and Uncle Joe was crying “Mother”.
Sadly Mike Pence’s wife was not in the audience.
Classic reference.
Probably every single one of the people getting paid in this line, are white males without art degrees.
Please people, hire an Art Major.
*This message brought to you by an English major who doesn’t need to do -everything-
That would be a fun book to write. I would of course do it from the perspective of the fantastically gifted white boy who couldn’t get hired by a major league HBCU team because he advocated for the equal treatment of historically disadvantaged Panem residents...hey wait a sec...
Was that the “Hurr hurr I’m Mexican”, remark? Because, suuuuuuuuure, Chad.
(And if he is Mexican, he can STFU about American laws, see how that works?
I’d give him more points for trolling but he suuuucks at it. )
It’s been adopted in both Canada and Europe, for the obvious reasons.
Yep, then their stupid asses act all surprised when white people with one other axis of intersectionality don’t grasp all the others.
This is a huge reason I’m not supporting Buttiegieg, he’s white and male first, gay somewhere down the loyalty line after whatever high school he graduated from.
While you’re not completely wrong, this is Hotep-level linguistic asshattery. Stop staring at people eating, learn when and when not to capitalize, and mind ya business.
Michigan. She has withdrawn her candidacy for City Council.
They are welcome to interstate commerce themselves somewhere better. I didn’t live in Cali for 10 years because of the ocean.
“We never got any, so you don’t need any!”
Suuuure you’re to the left of EW, ya trumpism-spouting troll. :D
Mediocre white guys can be mediocre, still “win”.
He’s gross, not funny, and I hope she wises up.
Used t0, largely gotten rid of now, because white cops don’t want to live where the crime they’re told to pay attention to, occurs.
If she did that, fucking hire her to be in charge of the NSA. She clearly has the chops.