
Oooh yeah, that comment section’s gonna get nasty before long.

Technically, at least in the history of video games, Navid Khavari is correct considering SNK did exactly that for an overhead run ‘n gun called Guerilla War (Guevara in Japan).

Forcing them out is already a good act but you’re right that it can’t be the only act. It’s only a good act because it removes them so at least they’re gone, so they can’t contribute to opposition to changing the workplace culture.

I’m not super far into the game personally, so I haven’t seen the context, but the way York’s presented so far I wouldn’t be surprised if fans are gonna be excusing it with “York’s a dipshit and it’s 2005".

Oh shit a groomer in person.

Don’t do the war crime if you can’t handle the clown time.

the competitive scene existed before commentary and streaming existed.

I also want to know what was the distribution of who developed what. White Owls is a tiny as shit studio, who are currently doing The Good Life primarily.

I think part of the problem with the technical hiccups is that in DP1 they had to learn to let go and just release the damn thing, whereas in DP2 they probably went “we got away with it in DP1 so whatever”. That’s the difference between the two games I think.

Jon Bois had this to say about 24 and it applies to TLOU overall - “If the writers gave you a name and you survived, it just means they didn’t get around to killing you.”

in the case of Montreal, it would be the SPVM.

an Alien WAS part of Mortal Kombat at one point so... I dunno

Bob Omb Shapiro has spoken his hypothetical

Tanimura’s taunt in Yakuza 4 is to pull out his service gun and shoot it in the air.

True that.

I don’t think his wife would defend him (at least on twitter) if it was that bad, and I don’t want to think she’s involved ‘cause we’re reaching QAnon levels of conspiracy here.

Honestly for this to be that “he’s done everywhere else as well” I’m going for gold and going with “propositioned a minor”

Cool, now can we remove Emmett Shear for not giving a fuck for years on end?

It is entirely fair according to the very laws that grant you due process.