
Another episode that deals with the nature of creating a show, with executives meddling with the writing staff, is the Pinky and the Brain episode "you'll never eat food pellets in this town again!". The title characters are actually actors in a hit TV show about two lab mice who take over the world. After a

Seafood is always a catch-22 here in America, where people who are interested in eating seafood (because the health food program they watched said to eat more seafood for a healthier diet) want to eat a fish that is large enough to look good on the dinner plate as a fillet, but fish large enough to look good on the

So, she has no Charisma or Wisdom then?

While the Tasmanian Devil character only appeared in five looney tunes shorts, he got to be in a WB animated show Taz-mania starting in 1991, produced alongside the more popular Tiny Toons and Animaniacs. While he still talks in grunts, he is understood by everyone else in the show, like how Chewbacca gets by in Star

Isn't that what is going on in Venezuela now? Didn't people break into a zoo and eat the animals there?

This American sensibility seems to have been inherited by the British, who also romanticize horses and consider eating them taboo. Also at work is the distance that Americans have from the animals they eat. In other parts of the world, and most of human history, you would not go one week without seeing an animal

Enough people complained that they had to pay twice for one movie, that Tarantino gave people two movies for the price of one one his next project!

there's Kite and Mezzo Forte, also 90's OVAs with crazy over the top violence. Physical as well as Sexual.

Its called "nephewism", as in, "As far as I know, Peter Parker doesn't even have a mother; he was
merely created spontaneously when Aunt May and Uncle Ben came down with
nephewism, a common affliction in fictional characters."

Whats funny was that on MSNBC it was said that
"Trump supporters are mostly childless single men who masturbate to anime"…

B-chiku was written by this guy who goes by the pen name "Distance". Distance wrote HHH Triple Ecchi which made it into animation, so you may have seen that?

Yea, every female in that manga has F-cup boobs or larger, its the opposite really.

I voted for Kasich too and thought it would be really cool to have him be in the White House. Now that I see what is going on right now though, I have second thoughts. John Kasich is just too much of a nice guy. Going into DC and all the polarization there, he would still get all this crap about taking away the

Kasich was on board with Common Core and the Medicaid expansion.

If you want an example of what I am talking about:

The issue of "How inhuman are you willing to become?" is explored pretty well in the indie RPG Geneforge series. In the first game, you, a "Shaper", able to summon monsters to fight for you, encounter these mysterious canisters that imbue you with stat buffs, higher skill levels, and new monster spells. You are forced

Of course, western audiences will be much more familiar with the game series than the book series. If the show dips directly into the novels, expect a lot of confused gamers.

I can use Bitcoin to buy fetish manga on Fakku, so there's that.

of course, the first Ace Ventura would get blasted for being transphobic/gay panic when re-watched.

Was it Pitch Black or Chronicles of Riddick that had Riddick kill a guy with a teacup? I forget. Best improvised weapon kill in a movie (although I might just have to go with the black rudder dong in Lock Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels.)