Had a first language French speaking grandmother and we played this game for hours every time we went to visit. Fond memories, installing the app now :)
Had a first language French speaking grandmother and we played this game for hours every time we went to visit. Fond memories, installing the app now :)
Honda Element’s are popular too because they are easy to access and fairly valuable. I believe they can scrap them for like $800-1000. And it is expensive to get an OEM replacement. Multiple people make guards for Elements and other commonly hit vehicles.
“this would be the most incredible yard art if anything else”
My first thought! This really should have been exhibited in the article.
And this one isn’t even a TuRD.
I don’t disagree with any of that. I just find that saying “hey don’t have any kids” is often responded with “how dare you tell me what to do with my gametes, you childless heathen”. Strangely this attitude always seems to come from the parents who know better and regret their choice to make babies. But what do I…
Okay, but that’s like, your opinion, man.
Fantastic! I would drive this car to death if I had one.
What quantity of children is “unneccesary”?
It’s not so much “hey don’t have kids” as it is “don’t complain to me about your choices that have a huge negative impact on the environment that we all have to live in”.
Parents also like to remind us child-free folks that we have it “easy” because we didn’t choose to make our lives difficult by making fist full of spirit crushers. Cue the tiniest violin.
When I was in school (i.e. broke) I had an 87 Toyota pickup with the legendary 22RE, known for its durability, and unfortunately, a single-row timing chain with brittle plastic guides. So when the foreboding death rattle started emanating from the chain housing, it seemed a given that the entire assembly was due for…
Okay I’ll get my coat.
When you emerge from that rabbit hole:
You can bet a weight-based tax is coming to a State near you soon.
My suspicion is that the amount of wire saved by making this an “option” amounts to HUGE reduction of copper over the life of production. The beetle used this same tactic with the side mounted, single dome light. 3 feet of wire omitted on millions of cars? The engineers knew exactly what they were doing.
Heck, might as well throw the 2010's behind there as well.
Countdown to “I know what I got” territory.