
She is forever saying that she is working on things that never go anywhere.

Wait, what? What speech did Maples give that Melania took that from?

Probably. I don’t remember.

I could think of no other when I am in need of Civil War puns!

I agree with you. But yet, here we are.

No, Billy Bob was never listed on the adoption papers. Just Angelina.

I am sitting hear giggling to myself because you are advocating writing a song about gas and bloating. And it would be glorious. “I’ve been there.”

She. Shiloh is the first biological child of Angie and Brad.

They all look bloated and sweaty to me.


AHHHAAAGGGG! Disgusting.


The sad thing is that MILLIONS of dollars have been spent on border security. Millions. Or should I say mis-spent. The problem is no better and there is lots of corruption.

Hey, saves time and energy right?

Finally, someone who admits to coping (or not) with this election the same way I am!

I see the types of ads all the time! Here in Texas they talk about making changes that are completely out of their scope of power! And if one more person says “secure the border” I am going to scream.

But the terribly ignorant people of the world take that as gospel. You would not believe the number of people who have said that Clinton would overturn the 2nd Amendment if elected. I have literally explained what it would take to change the Constitution and they still say it!

Change a few countries and these same things are said about Obama.

I remember this so well. She was awful.

They do go to the doctor, because there was a couple who took their child and then refused treatment who were put in jail for child endangerment.