
I had a friend who worked at a national park. There was an archeology site where they had unearthed ice age animals, and some of the bones were on display for visitors to see. One of the animals was a wooly mammoth. Not one, but several people asked why they couldn't see a "live mammoth."

Which I know someone totally, seriously believed. Oh small town South, don't ever change!

I see what you did there....

But, but, Homer was B.C....Time traveling Jesus wrote the forward?

Haha! That is great!

I have no doubt people are looking for "first editions" from Homer's publisher, Apollo Publishing.

I may or may not have bawled almost all the way through a Shamu show at Sea World about 15 years ago. Allegedly.

GOOD FOR BUSTER!! I love seeing a happy dog. And I love my two girls who are so happy when we come home, they start barking before I can open the door!

Start her training! There are agility matches all over America that she can compete in. Just google "Dog Agility Training" in your area and see what comes up!

It's a joke.

We had a BC when the kids were little and she was THE BEST. She understood everything we said! I do miss her terribly. So, so loving and smart.

He won't be. He has run for President 2 times before and never even come close to being the nominee. However, he is a kind and funny person, and I hope he is around for a long time.

You can almost hear her inner monologue "Holy...WTF!? GEOrge damn that crazy man..."

She looks more amused by him than offended in any way.

I think he is sweet. It was obviously a proud moment for them and Biden probably wanted to make sure people realized what a sacrifice it is for the entire family when someone serves in such a high office. A kiss on the ear from the VP is far preferable to being shot in the face by the VP if you ask me.

Sister, let your ass be wild and free! There is actually a joke about a nun and a donkey that goes along with that, but that is for another time.

I would be wondering too, and super pissed! Poor thing.

I have a pair of 501's that are plenty stretchy to me. I think people haven't even looked at levi's in the last few years. Very economical and they last.

I thought we were funding the Kurds, and supplying weapons too!

And is quite blind to their own faults usually.