
Well, both are talented, white, and bottle blondes. Beyond that some pretty large differences but whatever.

Eh, people like what they like. It’s harmless good fun and good times. Let ‘em be and find something more important to write about. Like the Jezzie article about, erm, Birkenstocks. Because that shit will change the world.

Hotel sucked. Bailed after one and a half episodes, although I did think Evan Peters was great, as always. Basically, without Jessica Lange to anchor the whole thing it’s gone to shit. Actually, it was never well-written but at least with Jessica around everyone else upped their game and she kept us fascinated.

First order of business: Stop going to I mean, seriously? When there are so many other superior news sites this is where you go for news?

Now playing

Yeah, Beyoncé’s never nicked stuff before. Heh.

Rule #1 when driving through a free-range wild animal park where numerous posted signs say stay in car with windows rolled up and doors locked: don’t get out, no matter how pissed off you are at your partner.

Jesus, he’s only 30? Dude needs to lay off the hard stuff.

It drives me insane that many people look at this dumb cow and base their opinion on how she looks. Guess what, folks, Ivanka has had extensive plastic surgery. It worked out well for her but never forget that she was a recipient of the Trump (non) chin, as well as myriad other unfortunate facial features.

Well, she’s a smart woman. She waited until it was clear the Mrudochs were going to ditch Ailes. I’m not a fan but she certainly knows how to play the game. Everyone should take note.

Yeah! Let’s mock a little kid on a weekly basis so we can chuckle for a couple of minutes in our otherwise boring lives! Wheee!

Just wrote the same thing. She’s a kid. Leave her alone. This is a total bullshit thing to do to a kid who doesn’t have a choice as to whether she’s on TV or not.

So you’re going to hold up a little girl to ridicule weekly? This kid already has it bad enough being paraded on television since she was barely out of diapers. Leave her alone. She’s a kid. And Jezebel is nasty for even thinking this is a good idea. What the fuck.