Now playing

I leave this here for you, my son singing Let it Go. It's only the beginning part, didn't want to make you go through the entire song. It's his favorite song, he sings it all the time.

I would get my period the second I put that on.

Praise the who now?

An adjustable foot rest...

I really like this guy's idea of removing all clutter from his desktop and creating an area underneath (although I'd probably build it on the side so I wouldn't kick it off).

You can keep Young Glowery Englishman and Middle-Aged Glowery Englishman, Rebecca Hall is everything.

Little known fact: Doge is President-Approved.

Posted from my Surface. Come at me Gizmodo nerds.

I love/hate that the next season premieres on Valentine's Day. I'm tempted to get my boyfriend to watch all of Season 1 so I can say, "Let's spend Valentine's Day/night drinking and saying "OH SHIT!" on repeat while watching Season 2.

Why don't you ask your female partner what she wants, rather than a bunch of strangers on the internet?

FACT. Fairytale of New York is, hands down, the best Christmas song.

It would be really nice if you listed the song titles so I didn't have to listen to the beginning of every video.

Jewish lesbian penguins?

Us Olds would also note that 90's feminist rocker PJ Harvey also was given an MBE at the same time.

Where can I open a savings account with decent interest rates, that I can open with an initial $52 deposit (for reverse challenge)?

Can we please start a "Beyonce-Free Zone" of the site? Or can someone with some programming savvy make a Beyonce Blocker for Chrome?

Once, I left my apartment in Queens at 330 in the morning to go to work. I was headed for the subway and a rat came out from behind a garbage can. I started two-stepping it to put some distance between me and this rat. I turned around about a half-block later and the rat was double-timing it too! I picked up my

This girl is a friend of mine. People commenting on her looks, really? If she were a man, would her looks be an issue? Also, you do realize that her entire house was wiped out. She doesn't exactly have a lot of access to makeup and such to look put together for a CNN interview in front of tornado rubble. She's a good