
The person who wrote the script gets the writer credit.

Really? Age difference is still a thing?? I wear white after Labor Day. Dad’s black and Mom is white. Same sex marriage finally exists. How about the consenting adults thing? Kinda ageist, no?

It’s not bad to like the West Wing! But if you rewatch it, particularly in conjunction with some of Sorkin’s other shows (or after you are more familiar with certain things he has said or done in RL), there’s a pretty good chance you’ll start to realize that a fair amount of what you originally thought was brilliant

I have PCOS and, thus, higher androgen levels than the average woman.

This poor woman has been through hell. Even if she weren’t “feminine enough”, my beau and I were just discussing this during the mountain biking event (it was awesome)......why are men and women separated during every event? Not every single event should be mixed. But for cripes sake, one woman was 10 years older than

In Hebrew, her name roughly translates to “No Good”.

I am an XXy woman. I successfully conceived and delivered my child. I have naturally occurring high levels of testosterone. I am also a sofa schlub. There’s no way in hell I or my android pelvis could perform as well as the *LEAST* testosterone laden of the competitors.

Okay, I am a little shocked at the number of comments about how Fu Yuanhei should have used hormonal birth control to skip her period for Rio. Lady is an elite athlete who no doubt has tracked her fitness relative to nutrition, medications, rest, etc. for years. Shouldn't we give her the benefit of assuming she knows

Um, Mom? As the wife of a university professor, I can tell you that that is what the instructor’s office hours are for, as well as the writing lab. He could get all the assistance he needs, if he just pulled his head out of his ass, and did some work. Sorry, not sorry, he’s going to fail, and he deserves to with an

The fact that his mommy is taking out the ad to help him is very telling. He'll fail, but he lives in Bel-Air, so I am sure mommy and daddy can help him land on his feet. And now I'm depressed.

The fact that this woman that craigslist would be a more reliable source to find tutoring is beyond me. My first call or email would have been to the professor to suggest some aids or other students in the class who may be to help.

Yeah I think the research stated that the fluid had some urea in it and therefore was pee, which is dumb because sweat has urea in it too and we don’t go calling that piss.

Jesus is a biscuit!

Thank you for reminding me to listen to the SS more.

Now playing

OMG the colorgasm! Reminds me of Scissor Sisters at the Brit Awards:

I was about 12 when I’d decided I was going to be a Paleontologist (I’m not, btw, but that’s not the point.)

My mom has so much mom in her heart that she couldn’t give it all to the two independent, happy, well-adjusted girls she raised. So she became a surrogate mom to anyone out there who needed a little more mom in their life. The best was when my sister came out while attending a small college in the South and started

My mom is a spitfire. She’s a tiny, fierce, mean, Irish lady. She had 6 kids in 6 1/2 years. I have a ton of great stories about her, like the time she bought a huge crystal chandelier at an estate sale several hours from our home. Lacking anything to wrap it in for the ride home, she stripped down to bra and panties,

So my mom died when I was 6 from cancer. At my kindergarten “graduation” I was getting a special citizenship award and was really excited about it. The evening of the ceremony, I remeber my mom laying on the couch obviously in a ton of pain. I, being 6, was oblivious and demanded she get ready for my graduation. She