badly drawn girl

@Penny: Yes, and I could see how orthorexia could develop into anorexia as time progressed. I was once verging on the edge of orthorexia when I gave up processed foods in order to limit my sugar intake. This diet started after reading a book on low blood sugar levels, and I realised it was causing my migraines and

@KalamataInterrobang: Alright, pie is a bad food. Us team cake people have known it for years.

@Cinnamoncanuck: We'll make our own flow chart. With proper smarties and kinder eggs and mars ice creams. And aero bars.

@MissMollyKate: You're recess anecdote reminded me of what used to happened to me during P.E. The teacher used to let people pick teams, and I was always last, even though I was actually the best of all the girls at sport. Then there used to be arguments about which team 'had' to have me on it. No one would interact

This flow chart does not have aero bars and therefore fails immediately.

@jessica1286: I was bullied from four till thirteen, it stopped when I finished primary school and entered a secondary school where I was placed in different classes from everyone in my primary school class. It profoundly affected my confidence and social skills, until the last five years really (I'm 26). I was shy,

@JoStockton: Yup, I was bullied when in primary school, and the school offered to send me to a psychologist. I never knew this at the time, my mother told me years later. She refused on the grounds that she didn't want me to feel at fault for the bullying, and she also wanted to know why the child NOT upsetting anyone

I'd agree with this study. I was bullied through the whole nine years of primary school, and I'd say my social skills were to blame for the initial bullying. I think I was behind everyone else in learning how to read people and social situations, and was easy to wind up, hence becoming the class target. I really

@Ailatan: Yes, we need a post on etiquette for the modern reader. I think Tracie should get on this.

I wonder how you host a drug and booze bender? I'm imagining canapés of cocaine and vicodin and shots on a silver platter.

@lurkerbynature: That sounds really cool. The purple mascara is the same way, it looks like brown in most lights, but in the sun you can see they're actually bright purple. I get a lot of complements about it. Hardly ever in stock though.

Now playing

I don't know about anyone else, but constant reading of L'Air is making me think of this.

@catch me if you can: Don't be ridiculous. Photosynthesis will create sugar. Sugar!! Bad for the hips, bad for the waistline.

I think the dietblog commenter had it right 'Is this really can work?'. Not if you want your brain to continue functioning it seems.

I think this diet has been around for a long time. Also the patented 'I talk a lot about food, so people will think I actually eat something'. I know several proponents of this, and they ain't french.

@lurkerbynature: I've been meaning to try that. One of my friends is a makeup artist, and said it would suit me. I have red hair, and I think black and brown look to dark and fake since I have quite long lashes.

@MagsCO: I like drugstore brands too, my favourite lipstick is by Bourjois and I wear dream satin liquid foundation by Maybelline in light porcelain with a bit of powder on top. It's the best foundation I've ever found, and the only one that's matched my skin tone properly. I tend to buy more expensive eyeshadows

@georgina: Oh I love Stila. They don't sell it in Ireland anymore, so I have to buy my dance blush on the internet. It's becoming increasingly hard to come by.

@Biologeek: Most of the girls and the women in the building I'm doing my PhD wear makeup and dress nicely. It might depend on the demographic I guess. I'd say though, how you dress in science really doesn't impact on your career the way it might in other professions.