badly drawn girl

Natalie, hanging with the New York Times will not help your intellectual credentials. Paper of record my ass.

@sayah: That disease is approaching pandemic proportions in the celebrity big brother house.

@icyblonde: Oh stop letting facts get in the way of juicy gossip!

@Alohamaid: True, but considering the rumours about Josh cheating, it seems like a band-aid in this case.

Renewing your wedding vows on your first year anniversary is a surefire signal the marriage won't last till the second one. Poor Fergie.

@bunnypants: I was a Blur fan too. I think ultimately they won the credibility battle with thirteen.

@reenelk: Don't dog on Ke$ha. This new generation transcends the traditional alphabet and spelling.

@Stellanova: The roads are shocking out there. Even by UCD on friday morning, you could tell they hadn't gritted the roads. Town had perfect conditions that morning, they had even gritted the paths. I'm lucky I can still get the train if the buses don't work, but the calcutta express doesn't need any extra passengers.

@Ginmar Rienne: I can imagine. A lot of people are full of ideals about helping people when they finish training to be social workers or psychologists. It doesn't make for the most objective analysis for the most part. Added to this, there is a very human need to believe the best about people, which is especially easy

@Ginmar Rienne: I completely agree. I often think there should be some category of psychopathic crimes, where it is recognised that certain people will convict again, no matter how well behaved they appear in prison. Repeat serial rapists, particularly those who use violence, and murderers who have selected their

That lady from the Susan G. Komen foundation sounds like an idiot. How would this have any meaningful impact, even if it did raise awareness. I'd argue that most people are well aware of breast cancer, but what most people aren't aware of is how to detect it. Awareness that a disease exists is no use, unless that

Lindsay's not to blame for this, her agent's not to blame for this, whoever picked her to front a documentary on child trafficking is to blame for this. They know what they're doing, and I mean anyone who says they don't, come on.

I don't care how many pretty pictures you create snow. I'm still not talking to you!

@DrOttoScratchansniff: But i have one of the other names :( Ursula is a way better pick though, it's not as localised!

@DutchessOfDork: I'm not surprised, given the media coverage she has recieved. Back when she released Frank and was at most a british size 12 with a fabulous hourglass shape, she was being criticised for her figure. The media is shameful how they tear people down.

@DutchessOfDork: Yes, but her new fixation on plastic surgery is a bit worrying. She's still not happy in herself.

Adam Lambert, I am fairly certain Boy George, is in fact, actually gay.

@Penny: She needs to study this image

@Blodwynn: What about Wilhelmina or Winifred?