Bad Llama

I will always prefer the original Claremont/Davis run and their team, personally. You? I also have an overwhelming desire to see a good Kitty (and Lockheed).

Great. Yeah. Uh-huh. Now where’s my Excalibur movie? (Preferably by someone who cares about the characters and comic, à la Deadpool rather than someone like Singer).

And I read that in a George Takei voice.

Damn. Well, we’ll always have her reconstruction of ‘Batman’ from the Prince soundtrack...

They already have their perfect Ezekiel. David Fenoy, the voice of Lee Everett of Walking Dead the Game. He’d be perfect.

I like that title. And you forgot me. I could show up.

I actually think something like a low-key indie film from a superhero’s POV about the emotional struggle of having to ignore cries for help & prioritize who gets help would be a pretty interesting story to see told.

Cumberbatch is looking dead on like Strange now... love that costume, too.

When I was a kid in the mid-’60s, Doctor Strange was my favorite character. Why?

So that makes Leto Joker the actual Joker and not some copy-cat? I was really hoping he was a copy-cat of some kind. :/

I’ll admit that the line has to be drawn somewhere. It seems to me though that Howard the Duck (which I love, ask me sometime why I think Marvel should make HtD movies between phases.) falls further behind that line than TMNT.

I’ve not heard of this series but it sounds interesting.

I just read the first chapter on my Kindle and, from that, bought the first three books.

Sliders is probably the only series most people would rather see rebooted than continued. I mean, if you want the A-1 perfect example of a show that started off great and then went off the rails very, very quickly...

The problem there being the monolith has very specific dimensions (1 by 4 by 9), which would not work well as a slipcase. Books are the ratio they are because people like that ratio for reading. So you could have a 4 by 9 ratio black rectangle on the front, but making the slipcover that size is tricky.

Well, chop-chop!

Nice, but I feel that the folio cover should totally have the black rectangle of the Monolith on it.

..... if not for the incredible talents of Bill Sienkiewicz.

I was trying to explain the plot of the Dark Tower series to my wife and her cousin last night. I hadn’t realized how insane and ridiculous it all was.