Bad Kuchi Kopi

Counterpoint: He was absolutely terrifying in Fargo. 

Really?  I’m never going to forget “ludicrously capacious” as long as I live.  This could be because I do tend to carry around a huge pocketbook, and I think it does make me seem less together, like I have no idea what’s going on so I carry everything I own with me at all times.

Can’t, man. Might see that “the enemy” has compassion, and that’s close to an independent thought, and those are bad.

Ahhhhhh this is tickling my memory. I guess nobody in the present would have much incentive to take future-baddies’ money otherwise.

How are you an “innocent bystander” when you are happily at what is basically a Klan rally? It’s not like he was in line at Starbucks and somehow got hit. He was free, white, and 21. He FAFO. 

He was at what was basically a KKK rally. He got what he wanted, a violent death. He just thought it would be someone like me. Oopsie! 

I was never gonna watch it. lol Also I’ve thought about moving to Canada but 1) it’s cold as fuck, and 2) I don’t really have a job that could transfer to another country. I could just move there and do some menial job making whatever is Canada’s version of minimum wage, but that also sounds shitty when I have two

And his wife wouldn’t take a call from Biden, because her husband wouldn’t have wanted her to say a single word to Biden.

So obviously this is the most important part of this conversation, but...I don’t think that’s the plot of Tenet.

Eh fuck that guy. He went to a pro facism rally and caught a bullet.

Idk. I never saw Tenet but I can’t quantify my fear of both of them in a way that’s anything other than equal. Either Trump destroys the world, or Vance makes it so the world is impossible to live in anyway if you aren’t white and a man.  Either way I’m screwed.

...this message brought to you by the Guild of Millers.

Oh I thought you meant after he was in office. I don’t remember what happens either.

I mean, yeah, anyone with a modicum of business sense is going to get away from the guy who managed to lose money on a casino.

Just a simple stupid person who thinks wishing someone shot in the head is a bad thing, even someone I do not like.


Domitian also eschewed a lot of the nepotism that was very common, and hired those who could do the job rather than just going for the nearest relative. Autocratic he absolutely was, but honestly not any less so than other well-remembered ones, even ones like dear old uncle Claudius (though the second half of his

I’m on your side with this. Doomers don’t know shit, and actively are working to make things worse when it could be avoided.

Same with when something horrifically racist or violent occurs and you get that “this is not our country”. Yes it motherfucking is and even an incredibly cursory look at history will absolutely confirm that.