Bad Kuchi Kopi

As much as Raimi wanted to include Sandman, there’s just no place for his character in the final story. If the movie were just about Harry and Peter’s friendship, with Eddie as the dark Peter, it works really well - something The Dark Knight sort of did (much better) with Bruce/Harvey. There really isn’t any place for

Seriously, why must repeatedly acting like a sack of shit give a guy a reputation??

My daughter doesn’t like Dimetapp! She’s a pod person, I believe. Anyway what you really want is that bubblegum flavored penicillin.

There will never be a supervillain origin to match Ock’s tentacles wiping out the surgical team.

Supposedly, the original script made clear that Harry subconsciously knew the truth all along, and the butler’s explanation was just in his head as he finally admits it to himself. But then they managed to remove every single reference to this so it just comes across as the real guy.

I’ll add, amnesia plots are invariably ridiculous and terrible. Spider-Man 2 set up a potentially compelling conflict between Peter and Harry, but then used the most contrived plot device possible to sideline it for half the movie. I remember just how disappointed 17yo me was in the theatre when I realized.


I think it's because the show used a ton of licensed music. Very expensive to rerun. I see it on YouTube TV occasionally though

It was on a LOOOOONG TIME lol. Seriously, they didn’t technically cancel it for whatever reason so when the cancellation was finally announced, it hadn’t even been seen for like five years.

It’s a damn shame, too. That show was utterly batshit and deserves to be seen. 

Raimi wanted Sandman, the studio insisted on Venom.

Ahh ok. No worries. ;)

The main problem is that Raimi didn’t even want to include Venom in the movie, but Sony did.  

Or the Bill Cobbs movies! 

I think only the first season ever made it to DVD and they gave up after it didn’t sell as well as expected. I remember really liking it as a kid and it feels like it almost completely disappeared.

I don’t see a whole lot of SAG going on there.

They’re already remaking Looper?

I think whenever we watched it as kids we were boozed up too. It’s the quintessential sick day show—just high as hell on Nyquil.

Before *they’re ready.

Dude, that’s not cool. You really shouldn’t make light of someone’s appeara- JESUS BEATBOXING CHRIST.