"…this series may actually live up to the promise of it’s cinematic pedigree."
"…this series may actually live up to the promise of it’s cinematic pedigree."
"Garth heads up the Terminus colony"? So where does Wayne fit in, Caroline? Inquiring minds want to know!
It's "Lecktor" for some reason in Manhunter, accurately "Lecter" in everything else (all the books and other adaptations). I think they just goofed up the spelling for some reason in that film. Really good movie, though.
Jennifer Aniston had to wear 37 pieces of flair. And she's Greek.
"Graham, have you noticed that the star of your show has essentially nothing useful to do this season?"
"And that two other members of the regular cast have about 15 minutes of screen time combined so far?"
"And that you added Jere Burns to the regular cast, but he hardly appears either?"
"And that you…
I figured when the show premiered that Ward would live about six episodes and then be shockingly killed (seemed like a Whedon move), then replaced by someone quirkier/more interesting. It's disappointing to be wrong on that score.
"…competently, but without much flare…"
Yeah, the Miller run is amazing. The only downside (IMO) is how shaky the art started to get when Miller stopped doing full pencils and started putting much more of that on Klaus Janson. The stories were still great, but eventually the art started looking way too raw, and not necessarily in a cool way. It's still a…
Sure would be nice to get through the very beginning of an A.V. Club post without a grade-school comma error ("This week’s question comes from music editor, Marah Eakin:"). Get it together, people.
This is otherwise a fine post, and I agree with you about NBC's ever-inexplicable coverage. However, there's a big error in there: The women's gold medal match sure was a hell of a game, but it never went to a shootout. ("And Canada came back from 2-0 to tie the game in the last five minutes of play and then beat the…
Apparently your eyes have rolled all the way back into your head, because otherwise you could see that so far this season, Raylan's absolutely been second fiddle to Boyd. Boyd's had the vast majority of the juicy plotlines and big scenes.
I'm honestly not getting how this rates a B+. Judging from the comments, I guess some viewers are finding this season engaging, but the overall story is leaving me cold. Justified is one of my very favorite shows, and as usual, this episode had some great scenes and a good twist or two, but the plotting is painfully…
Seriously. I also enjoyed the performances by Joseph Fidler Walsh, Ann Lennox, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson and Stevland Hardaway Morris, not to mention the appearances by Thomas Jeffrey Hanks, James Todd Smith and John Christopher Depp.
It's helpful to remember that the vast majority of monologue jokes (and the skits and bits that comprise the rest of the show) are not written by the host. Every late-night host has a huge team of writers creating that stuff. (Ferguson is a bit of an exception, because he really puts a personal stamp on everything.)…
Proofreading is reviewing for typographical errors and mistakes in grammar, style, and spelling. You're thinking more of content editing.
Those are great points. You're obviously quite capable of making an intelligent, informed, well-reasoned argument regarding the topic.
Seinfeld barely got renewed after the first season. It ended up with nine seasons and a legendary place in television history. Same with Cheers, which went 11 seasons. If you need a closer genre example, there's Supernatural, which was almost canceled after its first season. It's now on its ninth.
Maybe they're downvoting because you didn't take 30 more seconds to explain your reasoning in your original comment, so it comes off as trollish. Just an idea.
Can't he just replace that redhead playing Freddie Lounds, and we can pretend her version never existed? I don't care about the gender switch, but this particular version of the character is awful. (I get that this Lounds is inspired by Rebekah Brooks, but it isn't working.) Otherwise love this show.
Do they each have their own Dorian Gray picture and supply of virgins' blood, or do they just share that stuff?