
A quick glance at the top-played games on Steam suggests otherwise. CS:GO, Apex Legends, Dota 2, PUBG, Lost Ark, CoD:MW2, Destiny 2, GTA 5, Rust, Unturned, Naraka, TF2, Crab Game, War Thunder, Warframe, ARK, Civ 6, Elden Ring, and Hogwarts Legacy. So, of the top 20 games, only one of them has no multiplayer component.

It was just a dumb joke about who actually uses Fb, it’s not that serious Tom

primarily targeted at women over the age of 45

You’re not wrong, but you also have to consider volume and recall rate. Those other brands you mention sell about 50-75% as many new vehicles per year as Tesla has sold IN TOTAL across ~13 years. Based on figures I see for total vehicles sold by Tesla and the stats from here, over the last 5 years Tesla has recalled

I thought it was Jalopnik’s job to shit on Tesla?

Um, “recall” is still the officially correct word. It’s the current legal term for OTA updates issued by regulatory violations. You’re the one who’s wrong.

The China references are still relevant because you have to take the global picture into account, because regulators are talking about blocking the deal on anti-competition / anti-trust worries. The important part of it is that Tencent has a bigger slice of the overall worldwide games market than Sony, Microsoft or

The right take is to impose strict rules on the emissions...... That will provide a transition that may eventually lead to them being phased out. The additional controls will cost money to develop which will be reflected in the price of gas stoves going up —- reducing the number of gas stoves bought in general. Those

you do realize that the vast majority of people in those camps are not wealthy right? If anything we should be advocating for more of this kind of prison for most non violent offenders.

Banana for scale:

Why are we supposed to care what people on Reddit think? Reddit is a hivemind of bad advice and groupthink. Is it annoying watching someone chew with their mouth open? Sure. Is it literally the worst thing in the world? No.

IDK. This seems like a shameless plug.

It’s ok to not know about everything. 

Someone here has obviously never been a woman being threatened by an angry white guy.

An angry man cornered her in the hallway...

The pandemic wife in question is half his age, so close enough.

EVGA makes other products and doesn’t make money on the GPUs, so this is not really ‘suicide’.  It’s just getting out of an abusive relationship.

It’s a birthmark.

So I’m pretty sure it’s “berth”, not “birth”.  And secondly, if the plan was to dismantle and then reassemble the bridge, all at Bezos’ expense, what was the big deal?

I can’t edit it now but I meant to say that he IS the kind of person that should be in jail. The circumstances make it a difficult and dangerous choice.