
Not technically true. Yes, Florida removes a persons right to vote if they are convicted of a felony in Florida. If a person was convicted of a felony elsewhere, it’s more complicated. Florida law follows that if they were forbidden from voting in the convicted state, then they are likewise forbidden in Florida.

no, normally this would be done with prosthetics - since it’s basically just a skull cap

That, but mainly the whole thing about how she and Peter can’t be around each other without them getting the most horny any people have ever been because...reasons?

Yeah. This sounds like someone who jumped at the opportunity to buy a status symbol and didn’t do his due diligence.

Thats not the same as saying “you can beat the crap out of them and not have to fix them”

Except... this is Germain Lussier we are talkin about. The man is extremely easy - if the movie is even a little bit satisfying emotionally, he will overlook every other problem in it to give it a raving review. Look at his review of Flash from last year.

Way to have a hot take that isn’t there.... They were saying not having everything spoon fed to them is necessary for a film to be good. Sometimes a little imagination goes a long way in movies.

No, they’re saying that the problems Germain has with the movie are not problems for them.

Jen Tilly is fucking delightful and adorable? Plus, epic boobies. It’s not a mystery.

I agree. Seems like a misunderstanding with the support crew. The fellow might have escalated things a little too quickly and not tried the support line again or asked for a supervisor.

We do not actually know that blasting them on twitter was the only way to get it fixed. There is a lot of speculation in this story.

I am all for calling out Tesla when due... but this article is super click-baity since in the End Tesla fixed the mistake under warranty.

The $399 MIAD 01

Thats a problem they will almost certainly fix in a few iterations. Will the current machine learning tools do this, no certainly not. Following the same progression as text, photos, and sound before it though its almost certain that detail revisions will be possible. And it will likely come faster than nearly anyone

Gotta weigh the risks. I don’t engage in criminal activity, so I think the odds are more likely someone will try to sneak my passcode while entering it in public and take my phone than being in a situation where a cop will seize my phone and that will somehow lead to my arrest and criminal prosecution.

This is a garbage article to a garbage “peer-reviewed” study. From the link directly to the study, the model had a r=.13 correlation when tested outside of the the source photos.

I’m guessing, but maybe because then they would have to dry it or else it would mold and rot faster. Spraying big lots of produce with water might be easy, but drying it would require laying it out in a thin layer for a while or having equipment (lots of fans) to blow air over it for a while and would take a lot

Am I having a stroke? What in the holy hell is this article?

$300 doesn’t seem all that unreasonable.

Tesla charges $2000 for red.

I’ve only listened to the Dune one, but I don’t get the hate? Like, sure, it’s not amazing, and I don’t claim to be any particular expect on musical theory, but it’s not *so* far below every other song I’ve heard in the genre that it makes me think “wow this is irredeemable trash”.