
Jesus Christ what a run-on of a sentence! You’ve got an if-then statement with no “then.” What are you trying to say?

“He almost certainly took exception to the label and had every right to do so.”

I don’t understand how he was useless since the whole point of him is to guarantee the real objective gets fulfilled since she can’t trust anyone else with it?

Ummm.. okay? I’m sure there are plenty of bad examples out there if you start cherry picking. But for the most part, when your decisions cost hundreds of millions that suppresses the stock price (the only thing they care abt), the sharks turn cannibal.. It’s not abstract either, someone signed that check. No one gets

Usually true, but not in this case.

That coronation, that pulls at the heartstrings. That was an amazing scene. Remember being in 2nd grade and seeing that in the theater. Awesome, just awesome.

This list is dumb, The Shining is not ruined because of the pandemic. Stopped reading after that.

Track me. I don’t care as long as I’m not seeing giant animated ads all over my screen vying for my attention and popping over, blocking the content I’m interested in and auto-playing whatever ad or content I’m not likely interested in.

I thought it was super obvious and had zero effect on the movie.

Yeah, the collaborative and serial nature of comics make this issue very complex.

Do you even know how the immune system works?

This is simply not true.

People with healthy T-cell production...

permanently damaged heart and lung tissue is a small price to pay for “natural immunity”...

Even if that were true (which I don’t concede for a second – sources please), having COVID-19 has some serious side effects.

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Couple of things on that. One they already announced Captain America 4 and Mackie all but said he’s in it. Two there is already a lot of Sam Cap merchandize out there and he was in that car commercial in costume.

They’ve already announced that Captain America 4 is in development, starring Anthony Mackie, from the head writer of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. He’ll get his due.

Now playing

In 2010, California was in the middle of another crippling drought. Christopher Nolan was filming the critically lauded ‘Inception’ in and around the Los Angeles area. One scene involved a car chase/shootout in the middle of a rainstorm. This involved using massive rain machines. In the heat of summer. During the day.

As an employee of the show in question, it always puzzles me why it is continually such a lightning rod for controversy. It doesn’t matter that it sits amongst a landscape of other shows that suffer from the same- or even greater- racial bias, or inflict a comparable environmental toll, or WHATEVER the issue du jour

I cannot remember a time where I forgot/did not know/was unaware what gear I was in.