I think he was clearly a few cards short of a full deck, and your nose is fine. Some noses are long, some are snub, some are arched, some are flat, some are wide, some are narrow, and mine currently has a big pink zit.
I think he was clearly a few cards short of a full deck, and your nose is fine. Some noses are long, some are snub, some are arched, some are flat, some are wide, some are narrow, and mine currently has a big pink zit.
I have a rant. I was out taking photos around the city and this old guy stops me (I had to remove my earbuds because maybe he needed help or something) and he asks me, “Why is your nose so long?” I told him, “Genetics. Blame my parents.” But he goes on and on - he says “our lips and ears are the same, but your nose is…
Fuck those stupid red croissants!! Fuck all of them! Ah, that felt good.
This was actually last week, but it still kind of gets me. I have a relative who basically is perfect. Think fairy princess, and to top it off, she is always nice, so you feel like a jerk for being jealous. Anyway, she shared an article that was in the Huffington Post that generally was about how white mothers of…
My awful mother and sister teamed up to do something mean and manipulative to me this week. It was bad, I texted my therapist :-(
my estranged husband has been dating/sleeping with me without committing to wanting to get back together, and it is sort of rough.
Well I left the location I worked at for another location that’s much closer BUT I’m sad... I was super close to my co-workers until I saw how mean girl things were getting. It's sad all around bc I think they are good people but when they get around each other it's just bad, I'm excited to turn the page and start a…
I read this. I am so sorry that this is happening, and I have you and your daughters in my thoughts.
My week became shitty when an arena full of fear mongers couldn’t find someone else but an orange face buffoon to pick as their candidate.
I’ve been really, really sick—six plus weeks of a parasite plus a week on super toxic medication and a week of it working its way out of my system. Finally starting to feel human again and I pinch a nerve in my shoulder during yoga this morning!
Not a shitty week but a busy one. In laws were in town until Tuesday morning and I dogsat out in the suburbs for most of the week. Last night I got super cranky because after waiting for Mr. Chanandler to get home from work, run, shower and cool off; he suddenly got an upset stomach and didn’t want to go out to…
That is truly a bullshit pie, at a fuck you party.
I’ve had a shitty month.
Yes, those croissants look like an autopsy.
I’m hanging in there and feeling OK even though I just found out I have a surface blood clot. Ugh. I’m just trying to roll with life these days so I said to myself “OK, so that happened. Now how can I heal this, take care of myself and be OK.”
That is terrible, what an awful, shitty mess.
Yep. My dream Master’s program (or the one I thought was my dream) was a bit shitty to me when I called them so I’m back to waffling on whether to apply there in the first place. To say I’m annoyed would be a GIANT understatement.
Humana. I had a baby a month ago, which put me over my yearly out of pocket maximum. But having a baby is a qualifying event so theoretically me and the baby could switch to a less expensive plan, dodging the extra 200/month on the premiums.