
Ryan the ex and dad can never escape that face! I wonder if it ever freaks him out.

No! Dammit. Why? Why real snake?

So does that mean one kiss is all the action he gets? Then she’s like all on her phone or otherwise ignoring him?

Cool Whip!

Why can’t we respect Mayo and The Whip? They never claimed to be the same, let us embrace their unique qualities. One is sweet, one is tart. Maybe use them differently, but for heavens sake, Both are Good!!

Oh, the “just sayin”. In this context, it means what? No can tell if you are fathering. What have you done to prepare, oh so important Father? The father can drink, drug and “perform” as usual. No worries about baby carrying, possible death from childbirth. Maybe Trump has a lot of opinions about how women do it

Never! You shall remain Gray!

Dog says lightly firm grip, one pump is the A+ winners handshake. Two pumps be thirsty. Three pumps fanboy/girl. Four pumps means call security. Know it.

Commercials are on local tv channels are showing the elephants playing in water pools, encouraging folks to see how much the bond money has improved the elephants lives. Reportedly, it’s whole new section, not sure if it is still the in front of stage area. I’m not sure I can go again. Really.

Thanks! I’m glad he sold out, good for him. I’ve had a few lovely times there, most memorable was John Prine. I took the six week zoo volunteer classes some years ago and loved being at the zoo, hated zoo’z before that. Oregon zoo volunteers love the animals, want them to be as happy as possible. Then I learned more

He likes us. He really likes us!


It’s ok, internet friend. Some things are not for us to understand.

At the PDX zoo? Hmmm. Weird Al at performs the zoo. Sounds right. Are you going? With the right very low chair and Oregon vino this show could be a hoot. (lame reference to wild animal bird, cause it’s the zoo. Get It? I’m trying to learn to make joke. It’s a process.)

Dr. Ruth (Ms. Ruth if u nasty) should never, ever cool her considerable jets.

He must have just started working out for a movie role, never seen gym pics of his before. Good luck Huge Ackman!

Why become a nun now? In the end times year? Oh, maybe I get it.

So you’ve heard? I didn’t know it had been made public. The end news was to be released next summer. Major spoiler.

Or it’s like being in your twenties.

It does smack of thirsty. Did they have a bad break-up? Also, does Ripa seem to have rotating “best friends”? She throws that designation around quite a bit. Where does she find time to have so many best friends? No snark, I always feel I don’t give friends enough time and talk. It’s just...dammit, I’m tired. Not