
See, I got bored of that because I would win 95% of the races and the challenge disappeared. I love Mario Kart because I never feel safe in first place which keeps things exciting

Honestly I did all of 150cc three stars first time around. The only bullshit AI I got was when I got to 200cc and it wasn’t that I couldn’t get a good lead, at times I’d be half a lap ahead, but then I’d have an onslaught of red shells sent my way, like literally sometimes 6 red shells in a row and sometimes a blue

As much as I’d love to be able to have a female Link, the argument of people ‘looking up to someone’ is a bit stupid. You can look up to people of the opposite gender, my biggest role model in my life is a woman and I am a man. When I play games, I enjoy being a female and projecting myself onto a female character.